Built with Eleventy and Bulma
npm install
npm start
Upgrade to latest dependencies with (check breaking changes).
npm upgrade-interactive --latest
Playwright executes end-to-end tests.
To run tests start the application and run
npm run test:headed
To create a new test use the code generation with
npm run playwright:codegen
There is an overlap of the two CSS frameworks Bulma and Prism.
Both use number
and tag
classes for styling. To fix this we prefix Prism classes with prism-number
and prism-tag
You have to adjust Prism themes and rename the two tags if you change the Prism theme!
- add hover effect on cards: show shadow if hovered over card!
- add AMP article https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/article
- normalize CSS https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/
- add manifest.json, site.json, robot.txt and all the SEO related stuff
- minify HTML by adding a transform function