Array manipulation. Get, set & delete keys with dot notation, also prepares an array to be put in a file (php array or json).
Require this package in your composer.json and run composer update:
composer require mascame/arrayer
$array = array(
'this' => array(
'is' => 'an',
'we use a' => 'normal array',
'and manipulate it' => array(
'as' => array(
'we' => array(
'want' => ':D'
'thats it',
'cool? :)'
$arrayer = new \Mascame\Arrayer\Arrayer($array);
$arrayer->set('', array('so', 'cool.'));
$arrayer->set('', 'we gonna delete this very soon...');
$arrayer->set('more.examples', 'test');
$arrayer->get('more.examples'); // returns 'test'
$arrayer->getArray(); // returns the modified array
Build a prepared output for file (This example uses Laravel's "File" class to put file contents):
* Available options for ArrayBuilder
* [
* 'oldSyntax' => false, // use old array syntax
* 'minify' => false,
* 'indexes' => true, // Show the incremental indexes (array keys)
* 'startWithScript' => true, // start with <?php
* 'initialStatement' => 'return ',
* ]
$builder = new \Mascame\Arrayer\Builder\ArrayBuilder($arrayer->getArray(), $options);
File::put('test.php', $builder->getContent()); // getContent returns a prepared output to put in a file
* Available options for JsonBuilder
* [
* 'minify' => false,
* ]
$builder = new \Mascame\Arrayer\Builder\JsonBuilder($arrayer->getArray(), $options);
File::put('test.json', $builder->getContent());
- Fix missing files after migration to PSR-4
- ArrayBuilder 'indexes' option to remove the incremental indexes (array keys)
- Simplification
- Improved builders
- Simplified code
- Improved ArrayBuilder, added options and included JsonBuilder
- Removed ->append() method @ Arrayer because was a bit confusing
- Removed not used laravel specific files
- Added tests
- Fixed arrayDot not being created on constructor
- Removed unnecessary dependency
- Added manipulation methods (get, set, delete)
- Dot notation
- Extracted builder
- Added escaping for keys and values
Thank you for considering contributing! You can contribute at any time forking the project and making a pull request.
If you need help or any kind of support, please send an e-mail to Marc Mascarell at [email protected].