Skip to content amount library. Provides a new way to work with an amount. From highly flexible creation to rich data manipulation and stringification options.


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Build codecov Pub GitHub GitHub stars amount library. Provides a new way to work with an amount. From highly flexible creation to rich data manipulation and stringification options.

Getting Started


To begin your work with a money object you need to create it, there are several ways to do it:

  • Amount with following args:
    • BigInt numerator
    • custom precision, if not provided or if negative precision was set - Amount.defaultPrecision will be used instead
  • Amount.fromNumerator with following args:
    • int numerator
    • custom precision, if not provided - Amount.defaultPrecision will be used instead
  • Amount.fromBigInt with following args:
    • BigInt amount
    • custom precision, if not provided - Amount.defaultPrecision will be used instead
  • Amount.fromInt with following args:
    • int amount
    • custom precision, if not provided - Amount.defaultPrecision will be used instead
  • Amount.fromDecimal with following args:
    • Decimal amount (from decimal package)
    • custom precision, if not provided - Amount.defaultPrecision will be used instead
  • Amount.fromDouble with following args:
    • double amount
    • custom precision, if not provided - Amount.defaultPrecision will be used instead
  • Amount.fromString with following args:
    • String
    • custom precision, if not provided - Amount.defaultPrecision will be used instead

Also there are some convenient ways to create an object:

  • Amount.zeroOf to create the amount with 0 as numerator with custom precision
  • Amount.oneOf to create the amount with 1 as numerator with custom precision
  • Amount.oneIntOf to create the amount with 1 as integer with custom precision
  • to create the amount with 0 as numerator with default precision (Amount.defaultPrecision)
  • to create the amount with 1 as numerator with default precision (Amount.defaultPrecision)
  • Amount.oneInt to create the amount with 1 as integer with default precision (Amount.defaultPrecision)


First of all, Amount object is comparable and has all required operators:

  • unary operator -
  • binary operator -
  • operator +
  • operator *
  • operator /
  • operator <
  • operator <=
  • operator >
  • operator >=
  • operator ==

Regarding what you can do with this object, let's break down following methods/getters/fields:

  • cents - returns the BigInt cents representation of the amount
  • currency - returns the currency of the amount
  • precision - returns the precision of the amount (quantity of digits in fractional part)
  • sign - returns the sign of the amount
  • isEven - whether the amount is even or not
  • isOdd - whether the amount is odd or not
  • isNegative - whether the amount is negative or not
  • isPositive - whether the amount is positive or not
  • isZero - whether the amount is equals to zero or not
  • isGreaterThanZero - whether the amount is greater than zero or not
  • isGreaterThanOrEqualZero - whether the amount is greater than or equals to zero or not
  • isLessThanZero - whether the amount is less than zero or not
  • isLessThanOrEqualZero - whether the amount is less than or equals to zero or not
  • integer - returns the integer part of the amount
  • fractional - returns the fractional part of the amount in BigInt cents
  • fractionalDecimal - returns the fractional part of the amount in Decimal
  • fractionalDouble - returns the fractional part of the amount in double
  • toDecimal - returns the amount in Decimal
  • toDouble - returns theamount in double
  • abs - returns the absolute (always positive) amount
  • round - returns the rounded amount
  • ceil - returns the ceiled amount (rounded to the next integer)
  • floor - returns the floored amount (truncating fractional part of the amount)
  • toString - return the String representation of the amount with lots of customisation options, they are:
    • DecimalSeparatorFormat - specifies which decimal separator to use:
      • point
      • comma
    • RankFormat - specifies rank formatting:
      • none (XXXX)
      • space (X XXX)
    • AmountFormat - specifies amount display formatting:
      • integer - only integer part (XXXX)
      • fixedDouble - fractional parts will display full precision, even zeros (XXXX.XX)
      • flexibleDouble - fractional parts will not display trailing zeros (XXXX/XXXX.X/XXXX.XX)
    • precision - if set, this method will behave differently based on AmountFormat:
      • integer - precision is omitted
      • fixedDouble - precision will be used as an override to Amount.precision
      • flexibleDouble - precision will be used only if length of fractionals will be less than precision

Changing or accessing default precision

To access default precision use following static getter:

  • Amount.defaultPrecision

And for changing default precision use following static method:

  • Amount.setDefaultPrecision(<new_precision>)

But be cautious, precision cannot be less than zero.

Known limitations

  • Max precision is 15, everything that is beyond this precision will be trimmed due to Decimal's internal inability to work with such precisions.


To see usage example navigate to the Example section.

Feature requests and Bug reports

Feel free to post a feature requests or report a bug here.

About amount library. Provides a new way to work with an amount. From highly flexible creation to rich data manipulation and stringification options.




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