var t:TextFactory = new TextFactory();
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf = t.addText({text:'This is my text', antiAlias:'advanced', width:500, align:"right", style:"bold", size:50, color:0xFF0000});
- @param text - String(); This is the text to display.
- @param style - String(); This is the text's style. It can be pre set accordingly how many styles it has.
- @param align - String(); The alignment of the text. They can be 'left', 'right', 'center' and 'justify'.
- @param antiAlias - String(); Defines the antiAlias. They can be 'advanced' and 'normal'.
- @param size - Number(); The size of the text. Twelve is the default.
- @param letterSpacing - Number(); The space between letters.
- @param width - Number(); The width of the text box.
- @param color - uint(); The hexa code for the color.
- @param backgroundColor - uint(); The hexa code for the backgroundColor.
- @param selectable - Boolean(); Defines whether the text will be selectable or not.
- @return TextField().
- To add or remove fonts, you should open the fonts.fla on the lib folder, add your favorite font and export to actionscript at the linkage. Done that, export a .swc overwriting the fonts.swc.
- With the step 1 done, simply open the file and add or remove the fonts you want.
- The last but not least, at change the switch at the line 86 where the font names are defined.
With all that done, you're good to mess around. Have a nice coding.