A curated list of awesome LaTeX packages for teachers
- annotate-equations - Easily annotate math equations using TikZ.
- derivative - Nice and easy derivatives.
- interval - Format mathematical intervals, ensuring proper spacing.
- numerica - Numerically evaluate mathematical expressions in LATEX form.
- calculator - Use LATEX as a scientific calculator.
- truthtable - Automatically generate truth tables for given variables and statements or luatruthtable - Generate truth tables of boolean values in LuaLATEX.
- ResolSysteme - Work on linear systems using xint or pyluatex.
- luacas - A computer algebra system for users of LuaLATEX.
- lualinalg - A linear algebra package for LuaLATEX.
- luamodulartables - Generate modular addition and multiplication tables.
- WriteOnGrid - Write on grid lines.
- diffcoeff - Write differential coefficients easily and consistently.
- OutilsGeomTikZ - Some geometric tools, with TikZ.
- mismath - Miscellaneous mathematical macros.
- ibrackets - Intelligent brackets.
- luanumint - Numerical integration using Lua inside LATEX documents.
- tkz-bernoulli - Draw Bernoulli trees with TikZ.
- xfrac - Split-level fractions.
- CircuiTikZ - Draw electrical networks with TikZ.
- pgf-interference - Drawing interference patterns with PGF/TikZ.
- endiagram - Easy creation of potential energy curve diagrams.
- pgf-PeriodicTable - Create custom periodic tables of elements.
- tikz-mirror-lens - Spherical mirrors and lenses in TikZ.
- pgf-spectra - Draw continuous or discrete spectra using PGF/TikZ.
- pgf-pie - Draw pie charts, using PGF.
- sankey - Draw Sankey diagrams with TikZ.
- wheelchart - Draw wheelcharts with TikZ.
- tzplot - Plot graphs with TikZ abbreviations.
- fancyqr - Fancy QR-Codes with TikZ.
- opencolor – Simple use of the Open Color colors.
- xwatermark - Graphics and text watermarks on selected pages.
- hvfloat - Controlling captions, fullpage and doublepage floats.
- lastpage - Reference last page for Page N of M type footers.
- dashrulex - Draw dashed rules.
- neo-euler - OpenType version of Hermann Zapf's Euler maths font.