Creator-Kit requires multiple repositories for building, which are scattered across two GitHub organizations namely FlowM2M and CreatorKit.
Create a directory to keep project repositories, and run following commands :-
$ mkdir creatorkit
$ cd creatorkit
$ repo init -u
$ repo sync
To build a tagged release, add tag name with repo init command as follows :-
$ repo init -u -b 0.9.0
Note :- repo is a tool which should be present on your system. If not then follow this :-
$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Update ~/.bashrc to add repo path in linux path permanently :-
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin/
Now required repositories are cloned inside the project directory creatorkit.
Enter into build repository and start building :-
$ cd build
There are multiple options for building things :-
Linux based applications using OpenWrt can be built by :-
$ make openwrt
OpenWrt binaries can be found at :-
Contiki based applications can be built by :-
$ make contiki
Contiki based application binaries can be found at :-
Linux and Contiki based applications can be built by :-
$ make
Additional arguments could also be passed while building OpenWrt for logging more information, or building it in parallel threads. e.g.
For logging all information
$ make openwrt V=s
For logging just errors/warnings
$ make openwrt V=w
For building OpenWrt in parallel threads
$ make openwrt J=20
For building OpenWrt's different projects, different configs needs to be passed.
$ make openwrt P=creator-kit-1.config
For cleaning linux based applications :-
$ make clean_openwrt
Note :- This will also clean the feeds.
For cleaning Contiki based applications :-
$ make clean_contiki
Linux and Contiki based applications can be cleaned by :-
$ make clean
We are maintaining different pre-defined configurations in "config" files.
creator-kit-1.config - CreatorKit project1 related config for CC2520 based platforms.
creator-platform-all.config - Basic Creator Platform profile enabling all the userspace and kernel space packages suitable for CC2520 based platforms.
creator-kit-1.config - CreatorKit project0 related config for CC2520 based platforms.
creator-platform-all-cascoda.config - Basic Creator Platform profile enabling all the userspace and kernel space packages suitable for Cascoda CA8210 based platforms.
Make sure you use "cascoda" related configs, else it will build contiki for CC2520 by default. Contiki
$ make contiki P=creator-kit-1-cascoda.config
$ make openwrt P=creator-kit-1-cascoda.config
Whole OpenWrt and Contiki based applications.
$ make P=creator-kit-1-cascoda.config
Rest of the build options remain same as mentioned above in this document.
For CA8210:
$ make openwrt P=creator-platform-all-cascoda.config V=s
For CC2520:
$ make openwrt P=creator-platform-all.config V=s