An Amazon Alexa skill that tells you the menu of all canteens in Munich. The skill uses the API of
- Not all canteens supported yet.
- German only. English will follow
- Buggy as shit 🙈
- "Alexa, öffne Mensa München"
- "Alexa, frage Mensa München was gibt es am Mittwoch in Garching?"
- "Alexa, frage Mensa München nach dem Speiseplan der Mensa Leopoldstraße"
- "Mahlzeiten Stammgelände"
- "Speiseplan der Mensa in Großhadern am Freitag"
- "Mensa Leopoldstraße"
Install the "Mensa München" skill from the Alexa Skill store
- TUM Mensa Garching
- Leopoldstraße
- Arcisstraße (theoretically, but alexa always understands something different which makes it unusable...)
- Martinsried
- Großhadern
Currently it only supports 'Mensen', not StuCafe's (#15)
There are some open issues, just pick one and open a PR. I'd love to build this together with others, so go for it! 💪