- Download this code localy
npm start
- Initial project
npm init -y
- #Installing devDependencies
npm install --save-dev @types/react @types/react-dom css-loader html-webpack-plugin mini-css-extract-plugin source-map-loader typescript ts-loader webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server
#installing Dependencies
npm install react react-dom
- Let’s also manually add a few different files and folders under our root folder:
Add webpack.config.js to add webpack-related configurations (look into deliverd files) Add tsconfig.json for all of our TypeScript configurations (look into deliverd files) Add a new directory- src. Create a new directory components, in the src folder. Finally, add index.html,** App.tsx**, and index.tsx in the components folder. (look into deliverd files)
- Install json-server
npm i --save-dev json-server
- Add mockData,js, createMockDB.js, apiServer.js file in tools directory and fill up it (look into deliverd files)
- Modify package.json script and install
npm i --save-dev npm-run-all
(look into deliverd files)
npm ---save-dev prettier