- Proposal: SE-0229
- Author: Stephen Canon
- Review Manager: Ben Cohen
- Status: Implemented (Swift 5)
- Implementation: apple/swift#20344
- Decision Notes: Rationale
- Previous Revisions: 1, 2
This proposal would expose a common subset of operations on the SIMD types supported by most processors in the standard library. It is based on Apple's <simd/simd.h> module, which is used throughout Apple's platforms as the common currency type for fixed-size vectors and matrices. It is not a complete re-implementation; rather it provides the low-level support needed to import any such library, and tries to make a number of things much nicer in Swift than they are in C or C++.
Preliminary Swift-evolution discussion.
Essentially every modern CPU has support for SIMD ("Single Instruction, Multiple Data") instructions in hardware. Without getting into a long discussion of the architectural details, effective use of these instructions allows 2-10x better performance than is otherwise possible for a large class of data-parallel problems, without incurring the synchronization and data-movement hassles of working with the GPU.
Historically, there have been a number of obstacles to taking advantage of this hardware. Four programming models have been commonly used, all of which the author has considerable experience with:
- Assembly: this has the advantage that you get exactly the code you want. It has numerous disadvantages--another language to learn, requiring either macro soup or separate implementations for every target (in effectively a different language for each), there are few good learning resources, and you have to slog through all the tedious things that the compiler normally does for you, like allocating registers and getting the calling conventions right (or wrong, in subtle ways that bite your users many years later).
- Intrinsics: The model historically pushed by hardware vendors. Each architecture has its own
set of C "intrinsic" types like
(x86) orint8x8_t
(ARM). These are superficially nicer than assembly, but in practice incur nearly all of the downsides, plus a few additional ones. The biggest problem is that these types are often bolted awkwardly onto the language, and so are incompatible with fundamental language or runtime assumptions about size or alignment. Innumerable bugs have been created by people attempting to use vector intrinsic types together with C++ containers, for example. These types move your implementation into a portable language (C or C++), and then immediately remove that portability by being tied to a specific architecture. - "Vector class" libraries: Agner's is the most well-known. What these generally bring to the
table is support for familiar operators rather than arcane intrinsics (e.g.
a + b
instead of_mm_addps(a, b)
). Most are narrowly focused on a single architecture (almost always x86, so they still don't provide real portability). Apple's <simd/simd.h> is similar to these, but with full support for every architecture that Apple uses, which in practice makes code written against it fairly portable. - Autovectorization: works well for simple problems, but no one has yet demonstrated a satisfactory solution for more general tasks. One of several problems is that the underlying machine model assumed by vector code is fundamentally distinct from the underlying machine model that most scalar code is written against, forcing an autovectorizing compiler to map between the two. Historically this was largely done via an ad-hoc set of transformations, which never really worked all that well. Newer approaches show some promise, but explicit manual vectorization is still frequently needed.
A major goal of these new data types in Swift is to provide a better API for vector programming. We want to capture the cross-platform niceties of the <simd/simd.h> module, but also add some new features that were difficult or impossible to do in C; things like enabling generic programming, but also things as simple as a native way to express vector permutations and unaligned loads, or even just conversions between different vector types with the same number of elements (this requires a function call rather than a cast with most vector libraries).
Looking ahead, I expect that we will use these primitives to expose things like iterating over vectors extracted from a collection of scalars, to make explicitly vectorized code much more approachable.
There is a large class of computational tasks (graphics and animation, image processing,
AR, VR, computer vision) that want to have 2, 3, and 4 dimensional vector and matrix types.
For these applications, these types are just as fundamental as Int
and Array
are for
"normal" programming--they are the foundation upon which everything else is constructed.
These tasks require both elementwise operations, as well as some operations on types as abstract vectors--things like the dot and cross products, vector length, and orientation tests.
Closely related to part 2, short vectors are also essential data types for representing GPU data structures. It's frequently necessary to handle these on the CPU side do do pre/post processing, or data marshalling, and exposing these types in Swift enables that task.
Superficially, the only thing that these tasks have in common is that the fundamental types are "homogeneous aggregates", and that they want to benefit from the SIMD hardware that is available. Two or even three sets of types may seem more appropriate. However, our experience with clients of <simd/simd.h> is that all of our clients use a diverse subset of operations from the module, and that it's difficult to draw clear boundaries of what belongs where. While it may be reasonable to refine the underlying protocols, the types should probably remain unified.
Looking ahead, we would like to enable more sophisticated storage layouts and transforms to and from them, such as SoA - AoS conversion (a fancy way of saying "matrix transpose" or "interleave / deinterleave"; these are all the same thing). Once you start thinking about such transforms, the distinction between these types really goes out the window, because you want to map between things like 16 vectors of 3 floats and 3 vectors of 16 floats.
This proposal adds types like SIMD2<Int>
, SIMD16<UInt16>
etc. to the language,
with operations whose semantics map to SIMD types available on most architectures. The
full set of types are SIMD2<T>
, SIMD3<T>
, SIMD4<T>
, SIMD8<T>
, SIMD32<T>
, and SIMD64<T>
, where T
is any type that conforms
to the SIMDScalar
protocol (discussed in detail below). All of the standard library
integer and floating-point types (except for Float80
) conform to SIMDScalar
To support SIMD vectors, a type conforms to the SIMDScalar
public protocol SIMDScalar {
associatedtype SIMDMaskScalar : SIMDScalar & FixedWidthInteger & SignedInteger
associatedtype SIMD2Storage : SIMDStorage where SIMD2Storage.Scalar == Self
associatedtype SIMD4Storage : SIMDStorage where SIMD4Storage.Scalar == Self
associatedtype SIMD8Storage : SIMDStorage where SIMD8Storage.Scalar == Self
associatedtype SIMD16Storage : SIMDStorage where SIMD16Storage.Scalar == Self
associatedtype SIMD32Storage : SIMDStorage where SIMD32Storage.Scalar == Self
associatedtype SIMD64Storage : SIMDStorage where SIMD64Storage.Scalar == Self
Let's leave aside SIMDMaskScalar
for now, and consider the other six associatedtype
They all have the same form; a type that provides storage for a vector of the designated size
with the correct scalar type.
The SIMDStorage
protocol is extremely simple:
public protocol SIMDStorage {
/// The type of scalars in the vector space.
associatedtype Scalar : Hashable
/// The number of elements in the vector.
var scalarCount: Int { get }
/// A vector with zero or the default value in all lanes.
/// Element access to the vector.
subscript(index: Int) -> Scalar { get set }
This is the bare minimum functionality upon which everything else is built; the expectation is
that types conforming to this protocol will wrap LLVM Builtin
vector types, but this is not
necessary. Users can conform types to this protocol with any backing storage that can provide
the necessary operations, which allows them to benefit from the semantics (and many
operations will be autovectorized by the compiler in most cases, even without explicit
vector types as storage).
protocol refines SIMDStorage
, adding some additional
public protocol SIMD : SIMDStorage, Hashable, CustomStringConvertible {
associatedtype MaskStorage : SIMD
where MaskStorage.Scalar : FixedWidthInteger & SignedInteger
Let's discuss Mask
s are Equatable
, so they have the
and !=
operators, but they also provide the "pointwise comparison" .==
and .!=
operators, which compare the lanes of two vectors, and produce a Mask
, which is a vector
of boolean values. Each lane of the mask is either true
or false
, depending on the result
of comparing the values in the corresponding lanes. An example:
(swift) let x = SIMD4<Int>(1,2,3,4)
// x : SIMD4<Int> = SIMD4<Int>(1, 2, 3, 4)
(swift) let y = SIMD4<Int>(3,2,1,0)
// y : SIMD4<Int> = SIMD4<Int>(3, 2, 1, 0)
(swift) x .== y
// r0 : SIMDMask<SIMD4<Int.SIMDMaskScalar>> = SIMDMask<SIMD4<Int>>(false, true, false, false)
here, the second lane is true
, because 2 == 2
, while all other lanes are false because
the elements of x
and y
in those lanes are not equal.
Because of some technical details of how these comparisons happen in SIMD hardware on
CPUs, it's often advantageous to store these vectors-of-bools as vectors-of-ints whose width
matches that of the vectors being compared. Because of this, there isn't a single
type, but rather a whole family of SIMDMask<SIMD4<IntN>>
types. The
associatedtype on SIMDScalar
allows us to get to the desired
mask type from SIMD4<Scalar>
The concrete SIMD2<T>
, SIMD3<T>
, etc types conform to SIMD
; and almost all
of their operations are provided by extensions on the protocol:
public extension SIMD {
/// The valid indices for subscripting the vector.
var indices: Range<Int> { get }
/// A vector with value in all lanes.
init(repeating value: Scalar)
/// Conformance to Equatable
static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
/// Conformance to Hashable
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
/// Conformance to CustomStringConvertible
var description: String
/// Pointwise equality and inequality
static func .==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
static func .!=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
static func .==(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
static func .!=(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
static func .==(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
static func .!=(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
/// Replaces elements of this vector with `other` in the lanes where
/// `mask` is `true`.
mutating func replace(with other: Self, where mask: SIMDMask<MaskStorage>)
mutating func replace(with other: Scalar, where mask: SIMDMask<MaskStorage>)
func replacing(with other: Self, where mask: SIMDMask<MaskStorage>) -> Self
func replacing(with other: Scalar, where mask: SIMDMask<MaskStorage>) -> Self
/// Initialize from array literal
/// Precondition: the array must have exactly scalarCount elements.
init(arrayLiteral elements: Scalar...)
/// Initialize from sequence
/// Precondition: the sequence must have exactly scalarCount elements.
init<S: Sequence>(_ elements: S) where S.Element == Scalar
public extension SIMD where Scalar : Comparable {
/// Pointwise ordered comparisons
static func .<(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
static func .<=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
static func .>=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
static func .>(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
static func .<(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
static func .<=(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
static func .>=(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
static func .>(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
static func .<(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
static func .<=(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
static func .>=(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
static func .>(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> SIMDMask<MaskStorage>
public extension SIMDMask {
/// Boolean operations on Masks; these use the .-prefixed form because
/// they do not short-circuit like `&&` and `||`, but the normal
/// boolean operators have the wrong precedence for the typical use
/// of these operators.
static prefix func .!(rhs: SIMDMask) -> SIMDMask
static func .&(lhs: SIMDMask, rhs: SIMDMask) -> SIMDMask
static func .^(lhs: SIMDMask, rhs: SIMDMask) -> SIMDMask
static func .|(lhs: SIMDMask, rhs: SIMDMask) -> SIMDMask
static func .&(lhs: Bool, rhs: SIMDMask) -> SIMDMask
static func .^(lhs: Bool, rhs: SIMDMask) -> SIMDMask
static func .|(lhs: Bool, rhs: SIMDMask) -> SIMDMask
static func .&(lhs: SIMDMask, rhs: Bool) -> SIMDMask
static func .^(lhs: SIMDMask, rhs: Bool) -> SIMDMask
static func .|(lhs: SIMDMask, rhs: Bool) -> SIMDMask
static func .&=(lhs: inout SIMDMask, rhs: SIMDMask)
static func .^=(lhs: inout SIMDMask, rhs: SIMDMask)
static func .|=(lhs: inout SIMDMask, rhs: SIMDMask)
static func .&=(lhs: inout SIMDMask, rhs: Bool)
static func .^=(lhs: inout SIMDMask, rhs: Bool)
static func .|=(lhs: inout SIMDMask, rhs: Bool)
static func random<T: RandomNumberGenerator>(using generator: inout T) -> SIMDMask
static func random() -> SIMDMask
public extension SIMD where Scalar : FixedWidthInteger {
static var zero: Self
var leadingZeroBitCount: Self
var trailingZeroBitCount: Self
var nonzeroBitCount: Self
static prefix func ~(rhs: Self) -> Self
static func &(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func ^(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func |(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func &<<(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func &>>(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func &+(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func &-(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func &*(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func %(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func &(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func ^(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func |(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func &<<(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func &>>(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func &+(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func &-(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func &*(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func /(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func %(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func &(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
static func ^(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
static func |(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
static func &<<(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
static func &>>(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
static func &+(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
static func &-(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
static func &*(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
static func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
static func %(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
static func &=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
static func ^=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
static func |=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
static func &<<=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
static func &>>=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
static func &+=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
static func &-=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
static func &*=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
static func %=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
static func &=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
static func ^=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
static func |=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
static func &<<=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
static func &>>=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
static func &+=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
static func &-=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
static func &*=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
static func %=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
static func random<T: RandomNumberGenerator>(
in range: Range<Scalar>,
using generator: inout T
) -> Self
static func random(in range: Range<Scalar>) -> Self
static func random<T: RandomNumberGenerator>(
in range: ClosedRange<Scalar>,
using generator: inout T
) -> Self
static func random(in range: ClosedRange<Scalar>) -> Self
public extension SIMD where Scalar : FloatingPoint {
static var zero: Self
static func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func +(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func -(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func *(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func /(lhs: Scalar, rhs: Self) -> Self
static func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
static func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
static func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
static func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self
static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self)
static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Scalar)
func addingProduct(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self) -> Self
func addingProduct(_ lhs: Scalar, _ rhs: Self) -> Self
func addingProduct(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Scalar) -> Self
mutating func addProduct(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self)
mutating func addProduct(_ lhs: Scalar, _ rhs: Self)
mutating func addProduct(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Scalar)
func squareRoot( ) -> Self
mutating func formSquareRoot( )
func rounded(_ rule: FloatingPointRoundingRule) -> Self
mutating func round(_ rule: FloatingPointRoundingRule)
public extension SIMD where Scalar : BinaryFloatingPoint,
Scalar.RawSignificand : FixedWidthInteger {
static func random<T: RandomNumberGenerator>(
in range: Range<Scalar>,
using generator: inout T
) -> Self
static func random(in range: Range<Scalar>) -> Self
static func random<T: RandomNumberGenerator>(
in range: ClosedRange<Scalar>,
using generator: inout T
) -> Self
static func random(in range: ClosedRange<Scalar>) -> Self
As you can see, this is a fairly huge API.
These operations are mostly implemented in terms of each other; the base operations are
implemented as for-loops over the elements of the vector. Most of these are already auto-
vectorized by the compiler when optimization is enabled, but this will not be the full long-
term solution. Instead, they will be annotated with @_semantics
to allow them to be
lowered to special SIL nodes and from there to the corresponding LLVM IR vector nodes
so that we can guarantee vector codegen always occurs. This optimization work does not
effect the semantics of the operations at the Swift language level, so it will happen over the
next few months as bug fixes.
After all that, the actual machinery of the concrete types is pretty boring:
public struct SIMD4<Scalar> : SIMD
where Scalar : SIMDScalar {
public var _storage: Scalar.SIMD4Storage
public var scalarCount: Int { return 4 }
public init() { _storage = Scalar.SIMD4Storage() }
public subscript(index: Int) -> Scalar {
get {
return _storage[index]
set {
_storage[index] = newValue
public init(_ v0: Scalar, _ v1: Scalar, _ v2: Scalar, _ v3: Scalar) {
self[0] = v0
self[1] = v1
self[2] = v2
self[3] = v3
public init(x: Scalar, y: Scalar, z: Scalar, w: Scalar) {
self.init(x, y, z, w)
public var x: Scalar {
get { return self[0]}
set { self[0] = newValue }
public var y: Scalar {
get { return self[1]}
set { self[1] = newValue }
public var z: Scalar {
get { return self[2]}
set { self[2] = newValue }
public var w: Scalar {
get { return self[3]}
set { self[3] = newValue }
public init(lowHalf: SIMD2<Scalar>, highHalf: SIMD2<Scalar>) {
self.lowHalf = lowHalf
self.highHalf = highHalf
public var lowHalf: SIMD2<Scalar> {
get {
var result = SIMD2<Scalar>()
for i in result.indices { result[i] = self[i] }
return result
set {
for i in newValue.indices { self[i] = newValue[i] }
public var highHalf: SIMD2<Scalar> {
get {
var result = SIMD2<Scalar>()
for i in result.indices { result[i] = self[2+i] }
return result
set {
for i in newValue.indices { self[2+i] = newValue[i] }
public var evenHalf: SIMD2<Scalar> {
get {
var result = SIMD2<Scalar>()
for i in result.indices { result[i] = self[2*i] }
return result
set {
for i in newValue.indices { self[2*i] = newValue[i] }
public var oddHalf: SIMD2<Scalar> {
get {
var result = SIMD2<Scalar>()
for i in result.indices { result[i] = self[2*i+1] }
return result
set {
for i in newValue.indices { self[2*i+1] = newValue[i] }
Beyond the new Swift API for vector types, there's an accompanying change to the clang
importer that will allow C functions and structures using vector types to be imported. When
we find a "clang extended vector type" or "extvector" whose underlying scalar type is
imported as a SIMDScalar
type in the standard library and whose element count is
2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64, we'll import it as the corresponding standard library vector type.
No source compatibility changes.
No effects on ABI stability at the language level. There are some minor changes around how the <simd/simd.h> types are imported on Apple platforms, but these will have no effect on source compatibility; they only may tweak some low-level ABI details.
Because these are entirely new types, they come with a large set of API that will become part of the standard library interface. New API can be added in the future, including to protocols, because it is generally possible to provide good default implementations for simd operations.
The main alternative is "don't do anything, let people write structs, and trust the autovectorizer." This might even mostly work, but even if it worked flawlessly (which it doesn't today), you would be left with the problem that these types are common, and everyone would be using their own set of structs, with slightly incompatible size and alignment or operations provided. Even when the layout matches up, you would still need to provide conversion shims between each and every library you work with. There is a lot of merit in providing a single ground-truth for low-level vectors in the stdlib, over which libraries and programs can build additional operations.
I have added a static
property to integer and floating point vectors based on email conversation with Rick Roe. This is a departure from scalar numeric types, but he convinced me that these are good to have as an explicit alternative toT()
. -
As mentioned above,
-prefixes have been added to some elementwise operations. I see pretty good arguments both in favor of and against this change. I think that it largely comes down to a matter of taste. There are two reasonable alternative positions here. (a) don't add the prefixes; this makes type checking a little more complex. (b) add.
-prefixes to all lanewise operations; this adds a lot of new operators and a fair bit of noise, but there's reasonable precedent for it as well (julialang). -
Richard Wei has argued strongly against the spelling of
replacing(with: where:)
, objecting to both the lack of an explicit object of the verbreplacing
and to the use ofwhere:
as a label for an argument that is not a predicate function. I am not ignoring his concerns, but from a pragmatic point of view, I believe that the fact that this operates on elements is implicit, andwhere:
simply reads more clearly (to me and the other people that I surveyed) than any other option we could come up with.
The first version of this proposal used the
, and>
operators. These have been replaced with the.
-prefixed operators. -
The first version of this proposal used
for elementwise multiplication; these have been replaced with the "normal" arithmetic operations, matching+
, and%
. -
We have adopted
, etc on the principle that.
-prefixed operators are "pointwise". -
An earlier version of this proposal used names of the form
instead ofVector4<Float>
. The core team feels that the latter name is a better direction to take. -
We have removed several operations whose naming was not totally satisfactory. We expect to add those operations and more in future additive proposals; only the types are necessary for ABI stability.
Updates based on discussion on Swift-Evolution and with core team: I have eliminated
-prefixed protocol requirements, to make it somewhat more obvious how user types can be made to conform. This required some renaming to make the function of these associatedtypes more clear. I have also systematically removedVector
from the naming scheme, in order to remove confusion with C++-style vectors or "mathematical" vector structures that might be added at some future point. The resulting names are generally shorter, which is an nice benefit, and they now have a uniformSIMD
Protocols renamed:
Old name | New name |
SIMDVector |
SIMDVectorizable |
SIMDScalar |
SIMDVectorStorage |
SIMDStorage |
SIMDMaskVector |
N/A* |
Associated types renamed:
Old name | New name |
Element |
Scalar |
_MaskElement |
SIMDMaskScalar |
_Vector${n} |
SIMD${n}Storage |
Mask |
N/A* |
N/A* | MaskStorage |
Concrete types renamed:
Old name | New name |
Vector2<Scalar> |
SIMD2<Scalar> |
Vector3<Scalar> |
SIMD3<Scalar> |
Vector4<Scalar> |
SIMD4<Scalar> |
Vector8<Scalar> |
SIMD8<Scalar> |
Vector16<Scalar> |
SIMD16<Scalar> |
Vector32<Scalar> |
SIMD32<Scalar> |
Vector64<Scalar> |
SIMD64<Scalar> |
N/A* | SIMDMask<Storage> |
(*) The way in which masks are implemented has also been simplified somewhat, which
allowed me to eliminate the SIMDMaskVector
protocol entirely.