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Add Unicode Properties to Unicode.Scalar


We propose adding a number of properties to the Unicode.Scalar type to support both common and advanced text processing use cases, filling in a number of gaps in Swift's text support compared to other programming languages.

Swift-evolution thread: Adding Unicode properties to UnicodeScalar/Character


The Swift String type, and related types like Character and Unicode.Scalar, provide very rich support for Unicode-correct operations. String comparisons are normalized, grapheme cluster boundaries are automatically detected, and string contents can be easily accessed in terms of grapheme clusters, code points, and UTF-8 and -16 code units.

However, when drilling down to lower levels, like individual code points (i.e., Unicode.Scalar elements), the current APIs are missing a number of fundamental features available in other programming languages. Unicode.Scalar lacks the ability to ask whether a scalar is upper/lowercase or what its upper/lowercase mapping is, if it is a whitespace character, and so forth.

Without pulling in third-party code, users can currently import the Darwin/Glibc module and access C functions like isspace, but these only work with ASCII characters.

Issues Linking with ICU

The Swift standard library uses the system's ICU libraries to implement its Unicode support. A third-party developer may expect that they could also link their application directly to the system ICU to access the functionality that they need, but this proves problematic on both Apple and Linux platforms.

On Apple operating systems, libicucore.dylib is built with function renaming disabled (function names lack the _NN version number suffix). This makes it fairly straightforward to import the C APIs and call them from Swift without worrying about which version the operating system is using.

Unfortunately, libicucore.dylib is considered to be private API for submissions to the App Store, so applications doing this will be rejected. Instead, users must built their own copy of ICU from source and link that into their applications. This is significant overhead.

On Linux, system ICU libraries are built with function renaming enabled (the default), so function names have the _NN version number suffix. Function renaming makes it more difficult to use these APIs from Swift; even though the C header files contain #defines that map function names like u_foo_59 to u_foo, these #defines are not imported into Swift—only the suffixed function names are available. This means that Swift bindings would be fixed to a specific version of the library without some other intermediary layer. Again, this is significant overhead.

Therefore, this proposal not only fills in important gaps in the standard library's capabilities, but removes a significant pain point for users who may try to access that functionality through other means.

Proposed solution

We propose adding a nested struct, Unicode.Scalar.Properties, which will encapsulate many of the properties that the Unicode specification defines on scalars. Supporting types, such as enums representing the values of certain properties, will also be added to the Unicode enum "namespace."

Scope of This Proposal

This proposal is restricted, by design, to add functionality to Unicode.Scalar only. While we believe that some of the properties described here (and others) would be valuable on Character as well, we have intentionally saved those for a future proposal in order to keep this one small and focused. Such a future proposal would likely depend on the design and implementation herein.

Detailed design

The code snippets below reflect an elided sketch of the proposed public API only. Full details can be found in the implementation pull request.

In general, the names of the properties inside the Properties struct are derived directly from the names of the properties as they are defined in the Unicode Standard.

extension Unicode.Scalar {

  // NOT @_fixed_layout
  public struct Properties {
    // Remaining API is defined in the subsections below.

  /// The value that encapsulates the properties exposed.
  public var properties: Properties { get }

Boolean Properties

Each of the Boolean properties in the first block below would be implemented by calling ICU's u_hasBinaryProperty function. The official Unicode name of each property is indicated by the comment next to the computed properties below.

We propose supporting all of the Boolean properties that are currently available using ICU's u_hasBinaryProperty that correspond to properties in the Unicode Standard (but not ICU-specific properties), with the following exceptions:

  • Grapheme_Link is omitted because it is deprecated and equivalent to canonical combining class 9.
  • Hyphen is omitted because is deprecated in favor of the Line_Break property.
extension Unicode.Scalar.Properties {

  public var isAlphabetic: Bool { get }    // Alphabetic
  public var isASCIIHexDigit: Bool { get }    // ASCII_Hex_Digit
  public var isBidiControl: Bool { get }    // Bidi_Control
  public var isBidiMirrored: Bool { get }    // Bidi_Mirrored
  public var isDash: Bool { get }    // Dash
  public var isDefaultIgnorableCodePoint: Bool { get }    // Default_Ignorable_Code_Point
  public var isDeprecated: Bool { get }    // Deprecated
  public var isDiacritic: Bool { get }    // Diacritic
  public var isExtender: Bool { get }    // Extender
  public var isFullCompositionExclusion: Bool { get }    // Full_Composition_Exclusion
  public var isGraphemeBase: Bool { get }    // Grapheme_Base
  public var isGraphemeExtend: Bool { get }    // Grapheme_Extend
  public var isHexDigit: Bool { get }    // Hex_Digit
  public var isIDContinue: Bool { get }    // ID_Continue
  public var isIDStart: Bool { get }    // ID_Start
  public var isIdeographic: Bool { get }    // Ideographic
  public var isIDSBinaryOperator: Bool { get }    // IDS_Binary_Operator
  public var isIDSTrinaryOperator: Bool { get }    // IDS_Trinary_Operator
  public var isJoinControl: Bool { get }    // Join_Control
  public var isLogicalOrderException: Bool { get }    // Logical_Order_Exception
  public var isLowercase: Bool { get }    // Lowercase
  public var isMath: Bool { get }    // Math
  public var isNoncharacterCodePoint: Bool { get }    // Noncharacter_Code_Point
  public var isQuotationMark: Bool { get }    // Quotation_Mark
  public var isRadical: Bool { get }    // Radical
  public var isSoftDotted: Bool { get }    // Soft_Dotted
  public var isTerminalPunctuation: Bool { get }    // Terminal_Punctuation
  public var isUnifiedIdeograph: Bool { get }    // Unified_Ideograph
  public var isUppercase: Bool { get }    // Uppercase
  public var isWhitespace: Bool { get }    // Whitespace
  public var isXIDContinue: Bool { get }    // XID_Continue
  public var isXIDStart: Bool { get }    // XID_Start
  public var isCaseSensitive: Bool { get }    // Case_Sensitive
  public var isSentenceTerminal: Bool { get }    // Sentence_Terminal (S_Term)
  public var isVariationSelector: Bool { get }    // Variation_Selector
  public var isNFDInert: Bool { get }    // NFD_Inert
  public var isNFKDInert: Bool { get }    // NFKD_Inert
  public var isNFCInert: Bool { get }    // NFC_Inert
  public var isNFKCInert: Bool { get }    // NFKC_Inert
  public var isSegmentStarter: Bool { get }    // Segment_Starter
  public var isPatternSyntax: Bool { get }    // Pattern_Syntax
  public var isPatternWhitespace: Bool { get }    // Pattern_White_Space
  public var isCased: Bool { get }    // Cased
  public var isCaseIgnorable: Bool { get }    // Case_Ignorable
  public var changesWhenLowercased: Bool { get }    // Changes_When_Lowercased
  public var changesWhenUppercased: Bool { get }    // Changes_When_Uppercased
  public var changesWhenTitlecased: Bool { get }    // Changes_When_Titlecased
  public var changesWhenCaseFolded: Bool { get }    // Changes_When_Casefolded
  public var changesWhenCaseMapped: Bool { get }    // Changes_When_Casemapped
  public var changesWhenNFKCCaseFolded: Bool { get }    // Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded
  public var isEmoji: Bool { get }    // Emoji
  public var isEmojiPresentation: Bool { get }    // Emoji_Presentation
  public var isEmojiModifier: Bool { get }    // Emoji_Modifier
  public var isEmojiModifierBase: Bool { get }    // Emoji_Modifier_Base

We also propose the following Boolean computed property that is generally useful, though it does not correspond to a named Unicode property:

extension Unicode.Scalar.Properties {

  // Implemented in terms of ICU's `u_isdefined`.
  public var isDefined: Bool { get }

Case Mappings

The properties below provide full case mappings for scalars. Since a handful of mappings result in multiple scalars (e.g., "ß" uppercases to "SS"), these properties are String-valued, not Unicode.Scalar.

These properties are also common enough that they could be reasonably hoisted out of Unicode.Scalar.Properties and made into instance properties directly on Unicode.Scalar.

extension Unicode.Scalar.Properties {

  public var lowercaseMapping: String { get }  // u_strToLower
  public var titlecaseMapping: String { get }  // u_strToTitle
  public var uppercaseMapping: String { get }  // u_strToUpper

Identification and Classification

We add the following properties for the purposes of identifying and categorizing scalars.

The Canonical_Combining_Class property is somewhat unique in that the Unicode standard provides names for some, but not all, of the 255 valid values. We choose to represent this in Swift as a RawRepresentable struct that wraps the raw integer value, while still being Comparable for the purposes of implementing manual decomposition logic if necessary, and still providing the named values through static let constants.

extension Unicode.Scalar.Properties {

  /// Corresponds to the `Age` Unicode property, when a code point was first
  /// defined.
  public var age: Unicode.Version? { get }

  /// Corresponds to the `Name` Unicode property.
  public var name: String? { get }

  /// Corresponds to the `Name_Alias` Unicode property.
  public var nameAlias: String? { get }

  /// Corresponds to the `General_Category` Unicode property.
  public var generalCategory: Unicode.GeneralCategory { get }

  /// Corresponds to the `Canonical_Combining_Class` Unicode property.
  public var canonicalCombiningClass: Unicode.CanonicalCombiningClass { get }

extension Unicode {

  /// Represents the version of Unicode in which a scalar was introduced.
  public typealias Version = (major: Int, minor: Int)

  /// General categories returned by
  /// `Unicode.Scalar.Properties.generalCategory`. Listed along with their
  /// two-letter code.
  public enum GeneralCategory {
    case uppercaseLetter  // Lu
    case lowercaseLetter  // Ll
    case titlecaseLetter  // Lt
    case modifierLetter  // Lm
    case otherLetter  // Lo

    case nonspacingMark  // Mn
    case spacingMark  // Mc
    case enclosingMark  // Me

    case decimalNumber  // Nd
    case letterlikeNumber  // Nl
    case otherNumber  // No

    case connectorPunctuation  //Pc
    case dashPunctuation  // Pd
    case openPunctuation  // Ps
    case closePunctuation  // Pe
    case initialPunctuation  // Pi
    case finalPunctuation  // Pf
    case otherPunctuation  // Po

    case mathSymbol  // Sm
    case currencySymbol  // Sc
    case modifierSymbol  // Sk
    case otherSymbol  // So

    case spaceSeparator  // Zs
    case lineSeparator  // Zl
    case paragraphSeparator  // Zp

    case control  // Cc
    case format  // Cf
    case surrogate  // Cs
    case privateUse  // Co
    case unassigned  // Cn

  public struct CanonicalCombiningClass:
    Comparable, Hashable, RawRepresentable
    public static let notReordered = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 0)
    public static let overlay = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 1)
    public static let nukta = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 7)
    public static let kanaVoicing = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 8)
    public static let virama = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 9)
    public static let attachedBelowLeft = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 200)
    public static let attachedBelow = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 202)
    public static let attachedAbove = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 214)
    public static let attachedAboveRight = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 216)
    public static let belowLeft = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 218)
    public static let below = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 220)
    public static let belowRight = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 222)
    public static let left = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 224)
    public static let right = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 226)
    public static let aboveLeft = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 228)
    public static let above = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 230)
    public static let aboveRight = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 232)
    public static let doubleBelow = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 233)
    public static let doubleAbove = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 234)
    public static let iotaSubscript = CanonicalCombiningClass(rawValue: 240)

    public let rawValue: UInt8

    public init(rawValue: UInt8)


Many Unicode scalars have associated numeric values. These are not only the common digits zero through nine, but also vulgar fractions and various other linguistic characters and ideographs that have an innate numeric value. These properties are exposed below. They can be useful for determining whether segments of text contain numbers or non-numeric data, and can also help in the design of algorithms to determine the values of such numbers.

extension Unicode.Scalar.Properties {

  /// Corresponds to the `Numeric_Type` Unicode property.
  public var numericType: Unicode.NumericType?

  /// Corresponds to the `Numeric_Value` Unicode property.
  public var numericValue: Double?

extension Unicode {

  public enum NumericType {
    case decimal
    case digit
    case numeric

Source compatibility

These changes are strictly additive. This proposal does not affect source compatibility.

Effect on ABI stability

These changes are strictly additive. This proposal does not affect the ABI of existing language features.

Effect on API resilience

The Unicode.Scalar.Properties struct is currently defined as a resilient (non-@_fixed_layout) struct whose only stored property in the initial implementation is the integer value of the scalar whose properties are being retrieved. All other properties are computed properties, and new properties can be added without breaking the ABI.

In the future, we may choose to cache certain properties if data show that they are more frequently accessed than others and that there would be a meaningful performance improvement by computing them early. It is too soon to make such a determination now, however.

Alternatives considered

API Designs

We considered other representations for the Boolean properties of a scalar:

  • A BooleanProperty enum with a case for each property, and a Unicode.Scalar.hasProperty method used to query it. This is very close to the underlying ICU C APIs and does not bloat the Unicode.Scalar API, but makes the kinds of queries users would commonly make less discoverable.
  • A property whose type conforms to OptionSet. This would allow us to use the underlying property enum constants as the bit-shifts for the option set values, but there are already 64 Boolean properties defined by ICU. Since the underlying integral type is part of the public API/ABI of the option set, we would not be able to change it in the future without breaking compatibility.
  • A property whose type is a Set<BooleanProperty>, but we would not be able to form this collection without querying all Boolean properties upon any access (the OptionSet solution above suffers the same problem). This would be needlessly inefficient in almost all usage.

We feel that by putting the properties into a separate Unicode.Scalar.Properties struct, the large number of advanced properties does not contribute to bloat of the main Unicode.Scalar API, and allows us to cleanly represent not only Boolean properties but other types of properties with ease.


The names of the Boolean properties are all of the form is<Unicode Property Name>, with the exception of a small number of properties whose names already start with indicative verb forms and read as assertions (e.g., changesWhenUppercased). This leads to some technical and/or awkward property names, like isXIDContinue.

We considered modifying these names to make them read more naturally like other Swift APIs; for example, extendsPrecedingScalar instead of isExtender. However, since these properties are intended for advanced users who are likely already somewhat familiar with the Unicode Standard and its definitions, we decided to keep the names directly derived from the Standard, which makes them more discoverable to the intended audience.