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Time Tracking Application Prototype


In this project I developed some RESTful APIs with Laravel and Docker in order to handle following concepts for a time tracking application prototype:

  • Tracking entring and leaving the office for login and logout

  • Upload records as bulk

  • Calculate billable hours for a project

  • Calculate Peaktime for a prject in an specific day

  • Authentication and authorization(Login and Register)

  • Manage projects

  • Mange worklogs

Installation and Configuration

In order to run and install the project in your local machine, follow these instructions:

Step 1: Download and install Docker Descktop in your local machine based on your OS (If you do not have it).

Step 2: Clone the project from the Githup.

Step 3: Run cp .env.example .env command. This commany will create .env file from .env.example in your local machine in order to be able to project.

Step 4: Run the following command in order to install the composer packages without needing to install the the composer in your local machine:

docker run --rm \
    -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v $(pwd):/opt \
    -w /opt \
    laravelsail/php80-composer:latest \
    composer install --ignore-platform-reqs

You can find refrence of this command on Laravel Official Documentation

Step 5: Run the following Command:

./vendor/bin/sail up

This command will install the Laravel project dependencies based on docker-compose.yml file instructions in docker and run the app.

Step 6: Run the following command:

./vendor/bin/sail artisan key:generate

This command will generate a key for Laravel project.

Step 7: Run the following command:

./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate

This command will run the database migrations on database instanceof docker.

Step 8: Run the following command command:

./vendor/bin/sail artisan db:seed --class=ProjectSeeder

This command will add some sample projects.

Step 9: Run the following command:

./vendor/bin/sail artisan db:seed --class=UserSeeder

This command will add some sample users.

Open browser and then go to the http://localhost/ , you should be able to see the Laravel project runing successfully.

Check the database on phpMyAdmin

In order to see the database you need to go to the http://localhost:8080/ and then login on phpMyAdmin with username: root and password:

Run Unit and Features Tests

In order to run unit and feaures tests please run following Sail commands:

./vendor/bin/sail artisan test


Worklog Login

This this API you can log starting work.


POST http://localhost/api/work-logs/login

{user_id: int, record_date: date, start_time: time}

Sample Data:
{user_id: 1, record_date: 2022-01-01, start_time: 10:10:10}


    "success": boolean,
    "data": {
        "user_id": int,
        "record_date": date,
        "start_time": time,
        "source": string,
        "project_id": int,
        "updated_at": datetime,
        "created_at": datetime,
        "id": int
    "message": string

Worklog Logout

This this API you can log leaving work.


POST http://localhost/api/work-logs/logout

{user_id: int, end_time: date}

Sample Data:
{user_id: 1, end_time: 11:11:11}


    "success": boolean,
    "data": {
        "id": int,
        "user_id": int,
        "project_id": int,
        "source": string,
        "record_date": date,
        "start_time": time,
        "end_time": time,
        "duration_in_minute": float,
        "updated_at": datetime,
        "created_at": datetime
    "message": string

Worklog Bulk Upload

With this API you can upload your reports as bulk.


POST http://localhost/api/work-logs/bulk-upload

{file: File}

Note: the columns in CSV file should be like this:

Column 1: user_id
Column 2: project_id
Column 3: record_date
Column 4: start_time
Column 5: end_time


    "success": boolean,
    "data": [],
    "message": string

Report Project Billable Hours

With this API you can get the hours that the accountante system should bill for a project.


POST http://localhost/api/reports/projects/billable-hours

{project_id: int}


    "success": boolean,
    "data": {
        "total_minutes": float,
        "total_hours": string
    "message": string

Report Peak Time Of Project

With this API you can get peack time of a project in a specific date which most of the teammates worked.


POST http://localhost/api/reports/projects/getpeak-time

{project_id: int, record_date: date}


    "success": boolean,
    "data": {
        "from": time,
        "to": time,
        "on": date,
        "project": string
    "message": string

Admin APIs

Authentication and authorization

Register: POST http://localhost/api/register

{name: string, email: string, password: string, confirm_password: string}

Login: POST http://localhost/api/login

{email: string, password: string}

These two APIs will return the following result and you need to send the token as Bearer Token in the Authentication for next manage APIS.

    "success": boolean.
    "data": {
        "token": string,
        "name": string
    "message": string

Manage Worklogs

Get List: GET http://localhost/api/admin/work-logs

Add New: POST http://localhost/api/admin/work-logs

Get Details: GET http://localhost/api/admin/work-logs/{id}

Update: PUT http://localhost/api/admin/work-logs/{id}

DELETE: DELETE http://localhost/api/admin/work-logs/{id}

Manage Projects

Get List: GET http://localhost/api/admin/projects

Add New: POST http://localhost/api/admin/projects

Get Details: GET http://localhost/api/admin/projects/{id}

Update: PUT http://localhost/api/admin/projects/{id}

DELETE: DELETE http://localhost/api/admin/projects/{id}

Project Important Files and Folders

API Routes: routes/api.php

API Controllers: app/Http/Controllers/API/*.*

Models: app/Models/*.*

CSV Importer Model: app/Imports/ImportWorklog.php

Helper Functions: app/helpers.php

Database Migrations: database/migrations/*.*

Database Seeders: database/seeders/*.*

Unit Tests: tests/Unit/*.*

Feature Tests: tests/Feautre/*.*

Docker Compose: docker-compose.yml



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