- Backend fully supports CHW format. Ready for MCU with hardware accelerator.
- Flatten layer now flatten CHW format to HWC.
- Input layer auto-convert HWC image to CHW when using CHW format.
- Implement layer-wise KLD quantisation. (KLD only apply for convolution)
- Activation quantisation now uses 1000 samples for calibration instead of the whole dataset.
now provide probability as output. It now supports single neural output.- fixed pointer address cut-off in Win64 platform
- Add a new example
, for Travis CI and all PC platforms. - Update other examples for new APIs.
- Fixed bugs in TanH, Sigmoid when the integer bit width is smaller than 0.
- Documentation
Known issues:
Batch normalisation after depthwise convolution is not working properly.
Temporary solution: use batch normalisation after the pointwise convolution (in a depthwise-pointwise structure). -
The script does not support implicitly defined activation. e.g.
Dense(32, activation='relu')
Temporary solution: use explicitly activation. e.g.
KLD quantisation. Ref: http://on-demand.gputechconf.com/gtc/2017/presentation/s7310-8-bit-inference-with-tensorrt.pdf