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feat(StatusPanel): add option to show history in StatusPanel (#2055)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
Co-authored-by: rackrick <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
meteyou and rackrick authored Nov 28, 2024
1 parent 2038258 commit 0806061
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 8 changed files with 392 additions and 1 deletion.
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions src/components/panels/Status/History.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
<v-card class="history" flat>
<template v-if="jobsCombined.length">
<v-row class="mx-0 mt-0 pb-3">
<v-col class="history-list">
<status-panel-history-entry v-for="job in jobsCombined" :key="job.job_id" :job="job" />
<div v-else>
<p class="body-2 my-3 text-center text--disabled">{{ $t('Panels.StatusPanel.EmptyHistory') }}</p>

<script lang="ts">
import Component from 'vue-class-component'
import { Mixins } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import BaseMixin from '@/components/mixins/base'
import StatusPanelHistoryEntry from '@/components/panels/Status/HistoryEntry.vue'
import { ServerHistoryStateJob, ServerHistoryStateJobWithCount } from '@/store/server/history/types'
components: { StatusPanelHistoryEntry },
export default class StatusPanelHistory extends Mixins(BaseMixin) {
get jobs(): ServerHistoryStateJob[] {
return this.$ ?? []
get maxLength() {
return this.$store.state.gui.uiSettings.dashboardHistoryLimit ?? 5
get jobsCombined() {
const jobs: ServerHistoryStateJobWithCount[] = []
for (const job of {
if (jobs.length === 0) {
jobs.push({ ...job, count: 1 })
const lastJob = jobs[jobs.length - 1]
const lastJobUuid = lastJob.metadata.uuid ?? null
const jobUuid = job.metadata.uuid ?? null
if (lastJobUuid === jobUuid && lastJob.status === job.status) {
lastJob.filament_used += job.filament_used
lastJob.print_duration += job.print_duration
lastJob.total_duration += job.total_duration
lastJob.count += 1
if (jobs.length >= this.maxLength) break
jobs.push({ ...job, count: 1 })
return jobs
startJobqueue() {

<style scoped>
.history-list .history-list-entry + .history-list-entry {
border-top: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);
.theme--light .history-list > .history-list-entry + .history-list-entry {
border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
264 changes: 264 additions & 0 deletions src/components/panels/Status/HistoryEntry.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
v-longpress:600="(e) => openContextMenu(e)"
class="history-list-entry d-flex flex-row flex-nowrap cursor-pointer"
<v-col class="col-auto d-flex flex-column justify-center pr-0 py-0">
<template #activator="{ on, attrs }">
<vue-load-image class="text-center width-32">
v-on="on" />
<div slot="preloader">
<v-progress-circular indeterminate color="primary" />
<div slot="error">
<v-icon>{{ mdiFile }}</v-icon>
<span><img :src="bigThumbnail" :width="250" :alt="job.filename" /></span>
<v-icon v-else>{{ mdiFile }}</v-icon>
<v-col class="py-1" style="min-width: 0; font-size: 0.875em">
<div class="text-truncate">
<strong v-if="job.count > 1">{{ job.count }}x</strong>
{{ job.filename }}
<small v-if="description" class="text-truncate">{{ description }}</small>
<v-col class="col-auto d-flex flex-column justify-center pa-0 pr-3">
<v-tooltip top>
<template #activator="{ on, attrs }">
<span v-bind="attrs" v-on="on">
<v-icon small :color="statusColor" :disabled="!job.exists">
{{ statusIcon }}
<span>{{ statusName }}</span>
<v-menu v-model="showContextMenu" :position-x="contextMenuX" :position-y="contextMenuY" absolute offset-y>
<v-list-item v-if="job.exists" :disabled="printerIsPrinting || !klipperReadyForGui" @click="startPrint">
<v-icon class="mr-1">{{ mdiPrinter }}</v-icon>
{{ $t('History.Reprint') }}
<v-list-item v-if="job.exists && isJobQueueAvailable" @click="addToQueue">
<v-icon class="mr-1">{{ mdiPlaylistPlus }}</v-icon>
{{ $t('Files.AddToQueue') }}
<v-list-item v-if="job.exists && isJobQueueAvailable" @click="addBatchToQueueDialogBool = true">
<v-icon class="mr-1">{{ mdiPlaylistPlus }}</v-icon>
{{ $t('Files.AddBatchToQueue') }}
<v-list-item class="red--text" @click="deleteJob">
<v-icon class="mr-1" color="error">{{ mdiDelete }}</v-icon>
{{ $t('History.Delete') }}
@close="addBatchToQueueDialogBool = false" />

<script lang="ts">
import Component from 'vue-class-component'
import { Mixins, Prop } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import BaseMixin from '@/components/mixins/base'
import { mdiCloseThick, mdiDelete, mdiFile, mdiPlaylistPlus, mdiPrinter } from '@mdi/js'
import { defaultBigThumbnailBackground, thumbnailBigMin, thumbnailSmallMax, thumbnailSmallMin } from '@/store/variables'
import { ServerHistoryStateJobWithCount } from '@/store/server/history/types'
import { FileStateFileThumbnail } from '@/store/files/types'
import { formatPrintTime } from '@/plugins/helpers'
export default class StatusPanelHistoryEntry extends Mixins(BaseMixin) {
mdiCloseThick = mdiCloseThick
mdiDelete = mdiDelete
mdiFile = mdiFile
mdiPlaylistPlus = mdiPlaylistPlus
mdiPrinter = mdiPrinter
@Prop({ type: Object, required: true }) job!: ServerHistoryStateJobWithCount
showContextMenu = false
contextMenuX = 0
contextMenuY = 0
addBatchToQueueDialogBool = false
get smallThumbnail() {
if ((this.job.metadata?.thumbnails?.length ?? 0) < 1) return false
const thumbnail = this.job.metadata?.thumbnails?.find(
(thumb) =>
thumb.width >= thumbnailSmallMin &&
thumb.width <= thumbnailSmallMax &&
thumb.height >= thumbnailSmallMin &&
thumb.height <= thumbnailSmallMax
return thumbnail ? this.createThumbnailUrl(thumbnail) : false
get bigThumbnail() {
if ((this.job.metadata?.thumbnails?.length ?? 0) < 1) return false
const thumbnail = this.job.metadata?.thumbnails?.find((thumb) => thumb.width >= thumbnailBigMin)
return thumbnail ? this.createThumbnailUrl(thumbnail) : false
get statusIcon() {
return this.$store.getters['server/history/getPrintStatusIcon'](this.job.status)
get statusColor() {
return this.$store.getters['server/history/getPrintStatusIconColor'](this.job.status)
get statusName() {
// check if translation exists
if (!this.$t(`History.StatusValues.${this.job.status}`, 'en')) return this.job.status.replace(/_/g, ' ')
return this.$t(`History.StatusValues.${this.job.status}`)
get description() {
const outputArray = []
const filamentArray = []
let filament = '--'
if (this.filamentLength) filamentArray.push(this.filamentLength)
if (this.filamentWeight) filamentArray.push(this.filamentWeight)
if (filamentArray.length) filament = filamentArray.join(' / ')
outputArray.push(`${this.$t('Panels.StatusPanel.Filament')}: ${filament}`)
if (this.estimatedTime !== '--')
outputArray.push(`${this.$t('Panels.StatusPanel.PrintTime')}: ${this.estimatedTime}`)
else if (this.totalTime) outputArray.push(`${this.$t('Panels.StatusPanel.TotalTime')}: ${this.totalTime}`)
return outputArray.join(', ')
get filamentLength() {
const length = this.job.filament_used
if (length === 0) return null
if (length >= 1000) return (length / 1000).toFixed(1) + ' m'
return length.toFixed(0) + ' mm'
get filamentWeight() {
const metadataFilamentLength = this.job.metadata?.filament_total ?? 0
const metadataFilamentWeight = this.job.metadata?.filament_weight_total ?? 0
if (metadataFilamentLength === 0 || metadataFilamentWeight === 0) return null
const specificWeight = metadataFilamentWeight / metadataFilamentLength
const weight = this.job.filament_used * specificWeight
if (weight === 0) return null
if (weight >= 1000) return (length / 1000).toFixed(1) + ' kg'
return weight.toFixed(0) + ' g'
get estimatedTime() {
let totalSeconds = this.job.print_duration ?? 0
if (totalSeconds == 0) return '--'
return formatPrintTime(totalSeconds)
get totalTime() {
let totalSeconds: number = this.job.total_duration ?? 0
if (totalSeconds === 0) return null
return formatPrintTime(totalSeconds)
get bigThumbnailBackground() {
return this.$store.state.gui.uiSettings.bigThumbnailBackground ?? defaultBigThumbnailBackground
get bigThumbnailTooltipColor() {
if (defaultBigThumbnailBackground.toLowerCase() === this.bigThumbnailBackground.toLowerCase()) {
return undefined
return this.bigThumbnailBackground
get isJobQueueAvailable() {
return this.moonrakerComponents.includes('job_queue')
openContextMenu(e: any) {
if (this.showContextMenu) {
this.showContextMenu = false
this.showContextMenu = true
this.contextMenuX = e?.clientX || e?.pageX || window.screenX / 2
this.contextMenuY = e?.clientY || e?.pageY || window.screenY / 2
startPrint() {
if (!this.job.exists) return
this.$socket.emit('printer.print.start', { filename: this.job.filename })
addToQueue() {
this.$store.dispatch('server/jobQueue/addToQueue', [this.job.filename])
this.$$t('History.AddToQueueSuccessful', { filename: this.job.filename }).toString())
deleteJob() {
{ uid: this.job.job_id },
{ action: 'server/history/getDeletedJobs' }
createThumbnailUrl(thumbnail: FileStateFileThumbnail) {
let relative_url = ''
if (this.job.filename.lastIndexOf('/') !== -1) {
relative_url = this.job.filename.substring(0, this.job.filename.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
return `${this.apiUrl}/server/files/gcodes/${encodeURI(relative_url + thumbnail.relative_path)}?timestamp=${

<style scoped>
.width-32 {
width: 32px;

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