This project centres on adding QA System to Gotcha, an open source search engine.Whenever user asks a question system collects related content from wikipedia and searches the best answer from that content.
- python >=3.5
- pytorch(includes torch and torchvision)
- numpy
- scikit-learn
- msgpack
- spacy language model
- SpeechRecognition
- gtts
- wikipedia
- regex
- smtplib
- playsound
- unicodedata
- nltk
- tqdm
You can install requirements by executing : pip install -r requirements.txt
[comment]: Skip This if you have already trained model.
You have to download SQuAD dataset dev-v1.1.json and train-v1.1.json and word to vector file glove.840B.300d.txt (
python -e 50 -bs 32
Go to Project directory where resides execute following commnad to run project
python runserver
Open https://localhost:8000 and enjoy it.