Installs and manages Gem In A Box
Requirements: rvm (must install rvm using maestrodev/rvm
rvm_system_ruby { '1.9':
ensure => 'present',
class { 'geminabox': }
- config_dir: the rack application's configuration, where the <service_name>.ru rack config will live
- data_dir: where geminabox will store all of its data - gems, index, etc.
- log_file: where the thin logs will be written
- pid_file: where the thin pidfile will be located
- service_name: the name of the service (this affects the configuration file, init script, and process name)
- user: the user to own and run geminabox
- group: the group to own and run geminabox
- version: a rubygem-style version, specifying the desired geminabox version
- port: port on which the geminabox http server will listen
- thin_options: any additional params to pass to thin (see templates/geminabox.init.erb for what's already set)
- rvm_path: the path that the rvm binary can be found in
- rvm_deps: wait for these resource deps before attempting installing the version of ruby we care about via rvm
- ruby_version: the version of ruby we want to ensure is installed and use in our init script
- manage_user: whether or not to manage the user resource for the given user
- manage_group: whether or not to manage the group resource for the given group
- manage_data_dir: whether or not to manage the data directory (disable if file resource is externally created)
- manage_config_dir: whether or not to manage the config directory (disable if file resource is externally created)
- proxy_url: url and port to http proxy for use with rvm (example: http://proxy.domain.tld:80)
- rubygems_proxy: whether or not to enable the rubygems proxy feature in geminabox
- allow_remote_failure: whether or not to enable the allow remote failure feature in geminabox
class { 'geminabox':
port => '8081',
Note that this module defines the 'thin' package, which may conflict with other modules you include.
Thanks to David Goodlad for the initial puppet module that served as the base for this module