This project is written in pure functional haskell like language PureScript together with the pux framework. Pux is currently in a experimental state and might have some performance bottlenecks.
Main PUX function for projects in type-safe HTML Smolder Markup:
showProject :: Project -> HTML Event
showProject (Project project) =
div ! className "project" $ do
div ! className "todayStars" $ text $ "+" <> project.todayStars
div ! className "avatar" $ img ! width "100" ! src project.avatarUrl
div ! className "name" $ a ! href ("" <> $ text
div ! className "desc" $ text (shorten project.desc)
div ! className "misc" $ do
span ! className "star" $ svgStar
span ! className "totalStars" $ text project.totalStars
span ! className "license" $ text project.license
span ! className "language" $ text project.language
The CSS is also written in purescript an checked for correctness at compile time.
fromString ".todayStars" ? do
float floatRight
marginTop (10.0 #px)
fontSize (28.0 #px)
minHeight (40.0 #px)
fontWeight bold
color mediumseagreen
- Type-safe web application
- Isomorphic rendering
- Hot reloading
- Render to React (or any virtual DOM library)
- Time-travelling debugging
- Good JavaScript interop (one can use all npm libs)
- The #haskell and #purescript community on freenode and in general is very helpful and kind
- Performance
- Steep learning curve
- JavaScript interop is unpure, hence a bit hacky
The backend API fetches the required information from Google BigQuery plus Github via GraphQL and is written in Haskell.
- Pros: select trending repos per programming language e.g. top trending haskell
- Cons: limitation of top 25 repos
- Pros: select trending repos per programming language e.g. top trending haskell
- Cons: closed source, secret selection mechanism, GitHub OAuth required because of API rate limit