just a really simple incremental backup script for linux using tar and pigz or mksquashfs. I created this for bacula because if I have a lot of files the bacula db could grow really big.
first create the /backup/$namespace ($DIR_BACKUP_BASE, $namespace is for multiple filesets) write the directory list in the/backup/$namespace/backup.include (tar -T format) you can also create an exclude list: /backup/$namespace/backup.exclude (--exclude-from format) you can optinally define the backup method in /backup/$namespace/backup.method (valid options: tar or mksquashfs).
If you are using squashfs it wont be incremental, but it will be deduplicated and compressed.
Your backup will be an incremental backup. By default a full backup will run on sunday and incremental after that. Of course you can change this in the config.
Then just run the autobarebackup script and if you want, create a config file also for email alert, parallel gzip etc you can just create a cronjob for this.
/usr/local/bin/autobarebackup [option]
-h: show help
-q: silent mode
-u: update from github (master)
-c <config>: read a config file
example bacula fileset config (/etc/bacula/conf.d/fileset/AutoBareMetalBackupFiles.conf)
FileSet {
Name = "AutoBareMetalBackupFiles"
Include {
Options {
signature = MD5
File = "\\|/usr/bin/find /backup/ -type l -wholename \"*/latest/*\" -printf \"%h/%f/.\\n\""