- Build a RESTful Web Service that stores telephone numbers in a MongoDB (a CRUD app)
- Build a RESTful Web Service that stores to-do list items in a MongoDB (a CRUD app)
- Learn how to use Github to create a CIT 281 Code Portfolio that will be available after the term ends
- Build a To-Do app that uses the Web Storage API
- The Web Storage API lets browsers store key/value pairs locally, to create a persistent data store
- ES6 Class Types: The Basics ES6 Class Types: Inheritance
- A web API or Application Programming Interface is an API accessed using the HTTP protocol. Web APIs often deliver data formatted as JSON.
- A web API can be accessed programmatically using JavaScript. The API documentation must first be consulted in order to understand how the API works and what it returns.
- Use jQuery to post AJAX requests asynchronously
- Use the Postman app to test API requests/responses
- Use NodeJS and Express for a testing server
- Use jQuery, JavaScript, and public APIs to fetch JSON data, then use it to refresh part of a web page
- A web API or Application Programming Interface is an API accessed using the HTTP protocol.
- Web APIs often deliver data formatted as JSON.
- A web API can be accessed programmatically using JavaScript.
- The API documentation must first be consulted in order to understand how the API works and what it returns.- Some web APIs are public, and others require an access key. Flickr offers several public APIs.
- Basic Unix Shell commands
- Install and Configure Git using the Unix Shell
- Basic Git Commands (add, commit, push, clone)
- Github overview
- Markdown language for README files
- JavaScript ES6+ features
- How to create folders through the Shell