This is my own version of a Parallax Propeller development board.
Uses a PIC microcontroller for the USB-Serial interface, can be powered from either USB or a dedicated power source, includes an EEPROM to store the program and data, and provides a 2x20 pin header exposing all 32 I/O pins from the Propeller microcontroller, power and control lines.
Compatible with all standard Propeller development tools.
Parts List
- R1 = 4.700 ohm 1/4 watt
- R2 = 4.700 ohm 1/4 watt
- R3 = 220 ohm 1/4 watt
- R4 = 220 ohm 1/4 watt
- R5 = 220 ohm 1/4 watt
- R6 = 33.000 ohm 1/4 watt
- C1 = 100.000 pF poli
- C2 = 100.000 pF poli
- C3 = 100.000 pF poli
- C4 = 10 uF 63v elettr.
- C5 = 10 uF 63v elettr.
- C6 = 100.000 pF poli
- C7 = 27 pF disc
- C8 = 27 pF disc
- C9 = 10.000 pF poli
- DL1 = Red LED
- DL2 = Yellow LED
- DL3 = Green LED
- XTAL1 = 5 MHz crystal
- XTAL2 = 12 MHz crystal
- IC1 = P8X32A
- IC2 = 24LC512
- IC3 = PIC18F14K50
- IC4 = LM1117T-3.3
- TR1 = Transistor NPN BC547
- CN1 = USB-B connector
- CN2 = 2.1mm DC power connector
- CN3 = 2x20 pin header
- JP1 = 1x3 pin header
- P1 = Button
Power source selection:
|1| USB
|2| VIN
|3| EXT
short pins 1-2 to power from USB
short pins 2-3 to power from external source.
From top, P0/P1 are near the PIC/USB microcontroller.
| P0|P1 |
| P2|P3 |
| P4|P5 |
| P6|P7 |
| P8|P9 |
| P10|P11 |
| P12|P13 |
| P14|P15 |
| P16|P17 |
| P18|P19 |
| P20|P21 |
| P22|P23 |
| P24|P25 |
| P26|P27 |
|SDA/P29|N.C. |
|SCL/P28|XI |
| TX/P30|RTS |
| RX/P31|CTS |
| RESET|+3.3v |
PCBs are shared on OSH Park and can be ordered from there: