- download and install node.js, make sure to check "add to path" while installing
- go to the releases
- download the newest release
- unzip and put the path into a directory, where you can find it
- open mp3tag and add a new tool and give it a name
- add the path to the index.bat file into the Path field
- add two arguments: the first one being the the path of the mp3 file,
, the second one being the path to the text file where you want to have the lyrics, for example"%_folderpath%%_filename%.txt"
(which would result in the Parameter field to look like"%_path%" "%_folderpath%%_filename%.txt"
) - done!
- git clone this repo
- install all dependencies using npm or yarn or pnpm
- use the command
npm run bundle
(oryarn run
orpnpm run
) to bundle - done!