Important specifications in this release will be...
- Bot required a PostgreSQL database.
- Bot can only be used by its session user.
- User session is performed for cloning from private and public chats.
- All the variable inputs will be validated by the message id of a force reply.
- Indexing & purging functions are performed before cloning (option to skip).
- Clone function will be initiated from first to last message id of the target chat.
- File type selection will be done with callback buttons.
- Set custom caption by sending a formatted text to the bot chat.
- Find source - target chat id and message id by forwarding any message from the concerned chat.
- Terminate session facility.
Next release shall be an initial commit with version 2.x and pyrogram version 2.x with the following specifications
- Database less design.
- Variable inputs by optimised method.
- Single user (session user) operated design.
- Bot session for private chat cloning.
- Custom caption with different layouts.
- Indexing and purging functions will be removed as another bot is already there for the same.
- Duplicate filter can be configured in settings.
Thanks for the suggestions and reports. Subscribe my channel to get updates of my works.