Ansible scripts for creating and setting up a simple web server on Hetzner Cloud.
Secrets are managed using Ansible Vault.
Note that this repo was created without prior knowledge of Ansible and might not adhere to best practices 😉
- Creates a new cloud server
- Uses access token from vault
- Uses SSH key authentication by providing
to the Hetzner console
Command to create the server:
ansible-playbook create.yaml --vault-password-file secrets/vault.password
A dynamic Ansible inventory is used to retrieve matching servers from Hetzner.
- Installs basic tools (vim, tmux, htop)
- Configures Debian
- Enables unattended-upgrades
- Add
which can be used to deploy the static blog
- Set up basic hardening
- fail2ban
- firewall
- Installs Nginx and configures it
- Supports rate limit using fail2ban
- Installs certbot and provides a Let's Encrypt certificate
- Variables
are taken from host_vars - Mail address is encrypted using ansible vault
- Variables
Command to run playbook:
ansible-playbook bootstrap.yaml --vault-password-file secrets/vault.password -i inventories/hosts.hcloud.yaml