New features:
- support of BMP280 or MPL3115A2 barometric sensor module on SoftRF LoRa rev.1.2 I2C port
Pressure altitude and/or vertical speed reporting over OGNTP, FANET, NMEA, GDL90, D1090 radio/data protocols. Although traffic resolution is based on GNSS altitude, knowing of baro altitude and VS may improve flight safety.
- support of BMP280 or MPL3115A2 barometric sensor module... (same as for NodeMCU)
- NMEA over built-in Bluetooth
Both SPP and LE (HM-10 compatible) modes are supported. - 0.96" OLED display on TTGO Lora32 V2
Major improvements:
- been built with Arduino Core 2.4.1 and lwIP 2.0 ("high bandwidth").
- fix for #17
Known issues
Some LED artifacts (like one green constant lit LED) may appear on the Standalone's "traffic ring" when running on ESP32 platform and either built-in Wi-Fi or Bluetooth are active.
For a while, try to avoid simultaneous use of the LED ring and Wi-Fi/Bluetooth ( external h/w Bluetooth HC-05 or HM-10 modules are still fine ).