This repo provides the PyTorch implementation of the work:
**SYM-Net: Symmetry aware Net.
- Ubuntu 16.04/18.04/20.04/22.04, CUDA, python >= 3.6, PyTorch >= 1.6, torchvision
One way is to set up the environment with docker.See this Another way is to install the following parts.
- Install
from detectron2. sh scripts/
- Download with
git clone --recurse-submodules
so thatbop_toolkit
will also be cloned. The structure of this project should look like below:
├── asserts
├── bop_toolkit
├── ...
└── ...
recommend using soft links (ln -sf)
Download the 6D pose datasets (LM, LM-O, YCB-V) from the BOP website.
Download VOC 2012 Train/Validation Data(1.9GB) for background images.
Please also download the
from here. -
Download the
from here. -
Download the pretrained resnet34 backbone, save them under
The structure of this project should look like below:
# recommend using soft links (ln -sf)
├── asserts
├── bop_toolkit
├── datasets/
└── ...
├── binary_code
├── models_GT_color
├── VOCdevkit
├── detections
└── resnet34-333f7ec4.pth
├── docker
├── ...
└── ...
python core/symn/ <config_path> <gpu_ids> <obj_id>(other args)
Train in one gpu:
python core/symn/ --config-file configs/symn/tless/ --obj_id 4
Train in mulit-gpu:
python core/symn/ --config-file configs/symn/tless/ --gpus 0 1 2 3 4 5 --obj_id 4
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python core/symn/ --config-file configs/symn/ycbv/ --gpus 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 --obj_id 1
Train in debug mode (smaller batch size set in code):
python core/symn/ --config-file configs/symn/tless/ --obj_id 4 --debug True
python core/symn/ <eval_folder> --debug (other args)
python core/symn/ --eval_folder output/SymNet_tless_obj4_20221225_171440 --debug
option1: (easiest) download docker images from docker.
docker pull lyltc1/env:cuda116-torch112-detectron2-bop-0.0.6
option2: (no tested) build image locally.
cd docker
docker build -t lyltc1/env:cuda116-torch112-detectron2-bop-0.0.6 .
In local mechine, prepare a folder dataset
which contains all the data needed, include pbr
which contains datasets like tless
from BOP, pretrained_backone
, binary_code
, VOCdevkit
. These folders need to be set soft links inside docker.
docker run -it --runtime=nvidia -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all --gpus all -p 8025:22 --shm-size 12G --device=/dev/dri --group-add video --volume=/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --env="DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" --name symnet1 -v /home/lyl/dataset/:/home/dataset:ro -v /home/lyl/git/SymNet/:/home/Symnet:rw symnet:1.0.0 /bin/bash
Note:The docker doesn't contain the code of Symnet, I use -v, you can also use git clone to download the code to docker:/home/Symnet.
If you have container stopped, run
docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash
Inside the container, check the volumes.
root@f6093b96bdc3:/home# ls /home
Symnet dataset
root@f6093b96bdc3:/home# ls /home/Symnet
LICENSE assets configs core deprecated docker lib ref requirements.txt scripts tools
root@f6093b96bdc3:/home# ls /home/dataset
VOCdevkit pbr pretrained_backbone symnet
root@f6093b96bdc3:/home# ls /home/dataset/symnet
binary_code models_GT_color
mkdir output
mkdir /home/Symnet/datasets
mkdir /home/Symnet/datasets/BOP_DATASETS
ln -s /home/dataset/pbr/ycbv/ /home/Symnet/datasets/BOP_DATASETS/
ln -s /home/dataset/pbr/tless/ /home/Symnet/datasets/BOP_DATASETS/
ln -s /home/dataset/symnet/binary_code/ /home/Symnet/datasets/.
ln -s /home/dataset/symnet/models_GT_color/ /home/Symnet/datasets/.
ln -s /home/dataset/symnet/detections/ /home/Symnet/datasets/.
ln -s /home/dataset/VOCdevkit/ /home/Symnet/datasets/.
ln -s /home/dataset/pretrained_backbone/ /home/Symnet/
mkdir pretrained_backbone
ln -s /home/dataset/pretrained_backbone/resnet/resnet34-333f7ec4.pth /home/Symnet/pretrained_backbone/
all path of datasets is defined in core/symn/, check it or change it.
# untrack the file if modified locally
git update-index --assume-unchanged "core/symn/"