🚀 News: GenPater is now on Jetbrains Marketplace! Just search GenPater in Plugin Marketplace to try it out!
Note: Currently, it only supports with transformation at function(method) level.
Trace (for the transformation generation):
Choose a function (let cursor inside the function).
Start with your modification on the function.
Way A: Click Trace button in pop-up menu (right mouse click), or
Shift + Alt + -/_
, then edit in popup editor.Way B: Start with
Shift + Alt + [
, then edit in IDE, finally end withShift + Alt + ]
Apply (for the transformation application):
- Choose a target function (let cursor inside the function).
- Click Apply button in pop-up menu (right mouse click) or
Shift + Alt + =/+
Global Search
- Click Tools->GenPat->GlobalSearch.
- Popup Editor will show all matched results in current file (contains both before and after changing), Click Replace for the candidates you would like to apply.
- Extend global search to all project scope
- User setting for multi candidates
- Support with method signature modification
Jiajun Jiang, Luyao Ren, Yingfei Xiong, Lingming Zhang. Inferring Program Transformations From Singular Examples via Big Code. In Proceedings of the 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE ’19)