Jekyll Admin is a handy tool for maintaining Jekyll based blogs. It makes you free from the commands and templates.
Jekyll Admin uses GitHub REST Api v3.
- Fork and Clone the project
git clone<username>/JekyllAdmin
- Edit the
file as below:
"repo": <your repo name which consists of blog>,
"path": <path to your blog root, if you blog root is part of some other repo>,
"branch": <branch where your blog resides, possibly gh-pages>
branch or turn on Github pages on master branch from Settings -
to get started
- Login with GitHub credentials
- View Blog lists
- Edit or Create Blogs
- Preview Blog
Currently the Jekyll Admin supports blogs with following template:
layout: post
title: "Blog Title"
description: "Blog Description."
tags: ["tag1", " tag2"]
Also, there is no provision to upload files, especially images.
These features may come in future releases.