This project has been created as a demonstration and is completely open source.
The opponent AI is based on a reinforcement learning algorithm (On-policy first-visit Monte Carlo) that has been trained on 1 million matches against a random opponent.
From Sutton and Barto (2018) Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, chapter 5.4
The algorithm had no model of TicTacToe and discovered the best winning strategy play-by-play by discounting a given reward (-1 for a loss / 0 for a draw / 1 for a win) over all previous in-game actions after each episode.
The calculation (training) of the Q-ActionValues has been done in Python and can be found here: The file contains a class for the TicTacToe game as well as the algorithm used to train the AI.
The website has been build with React and Javascript and utilizes the Q-ActionValues generated in training as an opponent AI. The source code for the website can be found here: /src. It consists of the main game board and also shows the user the top three contemplated moves.