Network Academy - Copyright Micu Florian-Luis, Fatu Miruna-Maria, Buf Sorina Anamaria 2020
Given a set of papers as JSON files, add them to a database and query them. Each task has a different filter for a query.
To run the checker, simply run the command "./". To compile the program use the command "make -f Makefile_tema3" and to run a custom test run the executable "./tema3" with two arguments. The first argument is the input file and the second one is the ref file.
Note: The checker verifies if all tests are passed under 1, 3 and 5 seconds depending on the difficulty of the tests. To check a file runtime use the command "time ./tema3 x y" where "x" and "y" are the input and ref file. Our implementation runs under 4 seconds at worst depending on the OS and CPU. I recommend using native Linux (not installed on a VM) to see the best results.
A paper has the following attributes:
- title
- ID
- publication year
- name of the conference that the paper was originally published
- study domains
- list of authors
- name of author
- id of author
- institutions of author
- references
- citations (added by me to help with some tasks)
Task 0: Add all papers Added all the papers in a HashTable that works as a database (key -> the paper's ID, value -> paper).
Task 1: Get oldest influence In order to return the oldest influence, we used the BFS algorithm on the references.
Task 2: Get venue impact factor This tasks requires the program to return an impact factor of a paper by calculating the average number of citations of all the papers published in a certain journal at the query time. To do this, we used a HashTable for venues (key -> name of the venue, value -> paper id) and we calculated the average impact factor.
Task 3: Get number of influenced papers Just like task 1, in order the return the number of influenced papers for a given depth, we used the BFS algorithm on the citations.
Task 4: Get Erdos distance The Erdos distance is definied as the distance between two authors. we started by creating an authors HashTable (key -> name of author, value -> list of papers where he is one of the authors) and from this we applied the BFS algorithm for all the co-authors he had for each paper to get the distance.
Task 5: Get most citated paper by field We used a HashTable for fields (key -> field name, value -> list of papers with said field) and we applied the MergeSort algorithm to sort the list by the number of citations.
Task 6: Get number of papers between dates A frequency vector is used to store the number of papers published in a certain year, after which we make the sum between the number of papers published between two years.
Task 7: Get number of authors with field Since we made the field HashTable, we used it again to get the authors that published a paper in a certain field. While we count the authors, we make sure their institution matches the one given in the parameter.
Task 8: Get histogram of citations For this task, we used the authors hashtable to get an author's publication. Moreover, we create the histogram array by simply creating a frequency vector that uses as index the distance between the current year (2020) and the paper's year.
Task 9: Get Reading Order TO DO - this task is more complicated than we taught, it uses the BFS algorithm as its base, however it has some intricacies that we found in this olympiad problem:
Task 10: Find best coordinator TO DO - using the other tasks, return the best coordinator using a specific formula.