Open your terminal and clone the repository:
git clone
Move to the project folder cd front-test
and install the modules by running yarn install
or npm install
So, the project needs at least one enviroment file, please name it .env.development.local and add development variables from your Firebase app config:
REACT_APP_FIREBASE_APP_ID = 1:1234567890:web:abcd1234567def
For the production file (.env.production.local), you can use the same variables, but with the data of the production app configured in Firebase.
IMPORTANT: these environment files have been sent to the recruiter's email.
If you aren't the recruiter, please create a collection with the following schema for the documents:
"name": "Lucho Web",
"description": "Hi there! I'm Luis, from Colombia. I've a lot of years of experience in web development.",
"category": "web development",
"picture": "luchoweb.png",
"lastUpdated": 1234567890,
"votes": {
"positive": 999,
"negative": 1
Firestore field types:
- name, description, category and picture:
- lastUpdate (milliseconds):
- votes:
- votes.positive and votes.negative:
NOTE: you can create as many documents as you like, but a pager was not developed, so we recommend not exceeding 5 documents.
Finally, to start the project please run yarn start
or npm start
To create a production build please run yarn build
or npm run build
You can take a look at the live site here.
I built some test components, if you want to run them, please run yarn test
or npm test
That's all. Thanks for your time!