Author: Aryan Pandey
Welcome to my Java Internship! 🎓
Description: Create a program that converts temperatures between Celsius and Fahrenheit. Prompt the user to enter a temperature value and the unit of measurement, and then perform the conversion. Display the converted temperature.
Skills: Basic input/output operations, arithmetic operations.
Description: Implement a program that checks whether a given word or phrase is a palindrome. A palindrome reads the same forwards and backward, ignoring spaces and punctuation.
Skills: String manipulation, loops, conditional statements.
Description: Create a program that calculates and displays the average grade of a student. Prompt the user to enter the number of grades to be entered, and then input each grade. Calculate the average and display it to the user.
Skills: Loops, arrays, basic arithmetic operations.
Description: Build a program that generates a random password for the user. Prompt the user to enter the desired length of the password and specify whether it should include numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and special characters. Generate the password accordingly and display it to the user.
Skills: Random number generation, string manipulation, user input.
Description: Implement a two-player tic-tac-toe game. Display the game board and prompt each player to enter their moves. Check for a winning condition or a draw after each move, and display the result accordingly. Allow the players to play multiple rounds if desired.
Skills: Arrays or matrices, loops, conditional statements.
Description: Create a program that checks the strength of a password. Prompt the user to input a password and analyze its strength based on certain criteria, such as length, presence of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Provide feedback on the password strength.
Skills: String manipulation, conditional statements.
Description: Create a program that encrypts or decrypts the contents of a text file using a simple encryption algorithm (Caesar algorithm). Prompt the user to choose between encryption or decryption, and input the file name or path. Encrypt or decrypt the file accordingly and save the result to a new file.
Skills: File handling, string manipulation, basic input/output operations.
Feel free to explore and contribute! Let's code together and make this internship journey unforgettable! 🚀💻 #JavaInternship #CodeChallenge #LearningInStyle