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Releases: lscambo13/Zenfone-Improvements-Magisk

Zenfone Q Improvements v1.3

04 Apr 08:41
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🆕 Changes for Android 10:

  1. Screen corners are properly round now
  2. ElegantNotch inbuilt; no more ugly display cutout
  3. Better dark theme in settings app
  4. Minimum brightness lowered to save eyes in the dark
  5. Transparent navigation bar for more immersive experience
  6. Default camera app's ugly icon replaced with a custom icon
  7. Pixel blue accent color for modern look
  8. Product Sans font set as default for modern look
  9. Minor other refinements in the Settings app and overall UI

Zenfone O Improvements v1.04

04 Apr 08:43
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🆕 Changes for Android 8.1.0:

  1. Screen corners and notch are properly round now, without incorrect margin at bottom
  2. VoLTE icon is no longer unnecessarily giant
  3. Battery, Clock, and other status bar icons are now equal in size, with proper margins
  4. Minimum brightness lowered to save eyes in the dark
  5. Fade animation on notification swipe
  6. Default camera app's ugly icon replaced with a custom icon
  7. Pixel blue accent color for modern look
  8. Product Sans font set as default for modern look
  9. Recents screen and volume panel no longer hide under notch
  10. Recent app thumbnails have nice round corners to match the physical display
  11. Minor other refinements in overall UI