- Devise: This application uses Devise for user authorization.
- omniauth-SAML
- ldap_lookup used to gather user information (especially group affiliation for authorization)
- Sidekiq 6.4.x
- Redis 4.x
- Postgresql 12 (or higher)
The application uses Buildings and Classrooms APIs from the UofM API directory https://api.umich.edu. Check Getting started instruction here https://api.umich.edu/start
- Browse the UMAPI Directory
- Join a Developer Organization
- Register Your Application
- Subscribe to an API Plan
- Publish/Develop an API
To update the database run bin/rake api_update_database
bin/rake api_update_database calls the following classes
- auth_token_api.rb
- buildings_api.rb
- classrooms_api.rb
- department_api.rb
Note: you will initially run these rake tasks to add images to the application and the seed file to add intial data
- add_chairs_to_rooms.rake
- add_images_to_rooms.rake
- add_panos_to_rooms.rake
- rails db:seed
** NOTE: The task create log files in {Rails.root}/log/api_nightly_update_db.log to store errors of warnings.
Please email the LSA W&ADS Rails Team