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Releases: lostinmind-dev/lost-c3


15 Dec 07:24
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CLI Changes

Now you can use npm modules in your projects by using built-in bundler in Lost. Lost's using ESBuild for bundling packages.
lost bundle --package "{package_name}" - Creates {package_name}.bundle.js for module and put it to ./Addon/Modules folder. If there is any types were found in package.json, .d.ts file will be also created in the same directory.


lost bundle --package "axios" --format "esm" --minify

--format AND --minify flags are optional. By default module bundles without minification and esm format for ESBuild.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with using .js modules. Modules folder name in import path wasn't converting to lower case.


14 Dec 04:50
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CLI Changes

To serve addon you can use one of the next examples:
lost serve - Runs web server with default port "65432".
lost serve --port "{your_port}" - Runs web serve with specifix port.

To create new Lost project by using bare bones you can use one of the next examples:
lost create --type "plugin" OR
lost create --type "drawing-plugin" OR
lost create --type "behavior"

Framework changes

  • setRuntimeScripts method was reworked for both for plugin AND behavior addon types. Now you can use this method for changing script dependency from 'external-dom-script' to 'external-runtime-script' for files and directories inside ./Scripts folder. When you are setting type field to
type: 'directory'

All of your .js AND .ts scripts dependency type will be set to 'external-runtime-scripts'


import { defineAddon, Plugin, Property } from '../../mod.ts';
import type { EditorInstance } from '@Editor/Instance.ts';
import type { EditorType } from '@Editor/Type.ts';
import config from './lost.config.ts';

export default defineAddon(
    new Plugin<EditorInstance, EditorType>(config)
        /** @Settings */
            { type: 'directory', path: 'runtimeScripts' },
            { type: 'file', path: 'test.js' }
        /** @Properties */

  • setRemoteScripts method was reworked for both for plugin AND behavior addon types. You can use this method as previously but now you have an ability to set scriptType to 'module' for your remote script


import { defineAddon, Plugin, Property } from '../../mod.ts';
import type { EditorInstance } from '@Editor/Instance.ts';
import type { EditorType } from '@Editor/Type.ts';
import config from './lost.config.ts';

export default defineAddon(
    new Plugin<EditorInstance, EditorType>(config)
        /** @Settings */
            { url: ''},
            { url: '', type: 'module' },
        /** @Properties */



12 Dec 01:42
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  • Fixed issue with 'File not found' when using '.js' files in Modules and Scripts folders.

  • Added support for 'combo-grouped' ACEs parameter (available only for Construct R419 and above)

  • Added minifier (UglifyJS). It works both on all addon files (except user scripts and modules) and JSONfiles (aces.json, addon.json, en-US.json)
    lost build --minify


08 Dec 02:48
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πŸ”§ Changes

[!IMPORTANT] You don't need to assign classes to SDK or C3 variables in global scope, Lost automatically adds assignment at build >time, making the addon files much cleaner. But note that you must use for example export type { <className> } for the file to be >detected as used and compiled into Javascript.
New Plugin bare bones
New Drawing Plugin bare bones
New Behavior bare bones

  • Added new Editor folder for editing editor Instance.ts and Type.ts classes.
  • The lost.config.ts config file must use defineConfig method from library.
  • Added new field for 'plugin' addon type
pluginType: 'object' | 'world' /** 'world' for drawing plugins */

For drawing plugin you should set pluginType to world

import { defineConfig } from 'jsr:@lost-c3/[email protected]';

export default defineConfig<'plugin'>({
    type: 'plugin',
    pluginType: 'object',
    // deprecated?: boolean;
    // minConstructVersion?: string;
    // canBeBundled?: boolean;
    isSingleGlobal: true,
    objectName: 'LostPlugin',

    addonId: 'LostPluginId',
    category: 'general',
    addonName: 'Lost plugin for Construct 3',
    addonDescription: 'My awesome addon was made with Lost',
    version: '',
    author: 'lostinmind.',
    docsUrl: '',
    helpUrl: {
        EN: ''
    websiteUrl: ''
  • The addon.ts config file must use defineAddon method from library.


import { defineAddon, Plugin } from 'jsr:@lost-c3/[email protected]';
import config from './lost.config.ts';

export default defineAddon(
    new Plugin<EditorInstance, EditorType>(config)

πŸ“ New features

  • Added drawing plugin support (also added new fields in config for drawing plugins)
  • Added behavior addon support
  • Now you can use types of your EditorInstance and EditorType in new Plugin<EditorInstance, EditorType> and new Behavior<EditorInstance>. It will automatically detect your editor instance class type for using it in Property.Link or Property.Info plugin property type for example

πŸš€ Improvements

  • Increased addon build time


27 Nov 21:14
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πŸ”§ Changes

  • Icon default path was changed, now shouldn't put your icon.svg in ./Addon folder, now you must put your icon in main folder ./

πŸš€ Improvements

Lost error detector was improved. Now it detects next issues:

  • Empty plugin property Id
  • Duplicated plugin property id's
  • Empty group Id
  • Duplicated group id's
  • Empty Category Id
  • Duplicated Category id's
  • Empty Action/Condition/Expression Id
  • Duplicated Action/Condition/Expression id's
  • Empty Parameter Id
  • Duplicated Parameter id's
  • Duplicated methods names

πŸ“ New features

  • Added new command to CLI lost build --watch for faster addon development
    That command will automatically reload build command after you changed any addon file
  • Now when you are using lost build command, it'll create .d.ts file with plugin properties types at path: ./Addon/Types/properties.d.ts

Usage example

class LostInstance extends globalThis.ISDKInstanceBase {

    constructor() {
        const properties = this._getInitProperties() as PluginProperties;


It'll help you to detect type of your plugin property in main Instance.ts file.


26 Nov 14:55
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πŸ“ New features

  • Added support for 'application/wasm' file types.
  • Added 'lost types' command for installing all ts-defs construct types that was merged in one file
  • New addon.ts file (for configurating remote scripts, files and other)
  • Added fully support for compiling all Typescript files from folder Modules folder
  • Added support for using import .ts files in main Instance.ts file (after build it will be replaced with real module path from ready addon folder)
  • Added MD5 encryption for autocompleteId property in parameter options

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with autocompleteId, in final build, the type of property was boolean

πŸ”§ Changes

  • Switched BBCode functions names to lowerCase
  • Moved all BBCode functions to jsr:@lost-c3/lib/misc
  • Removed 'behavior', 'theme', 'effect' addon support (will be in next releases)

Action decorator

  • Removed one Options property
  • Added id, name, displayText, description?, opts? properties

Condition decorator

  • Removed one Options property
  • Added id, name, displayText, description?, opts? properties

Expression decorator

  • Removed one Options property
  • Added id, name, description?, opts? properties

Parameters declarations

For creating parameters for Action/Condition/Expression you should use opts.params property. To create parameter you should use addParam(id, name, opts) function from jsr:@lost-c3/lib


08 Nov 22:46
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πŸ”§ New Features

  • New instructions for creating any addon type!
  • Support for Typescript in ./Scripts folder (it'll automatically compiled to Javascript)
  • Support for 'behavior' addon type!
  • Support for 'theme' addon type!
  • Support for 'effect' addon type!

πŸŽ›οΈ Creating 'behavior' addon type

Create 'behavior' addon bare-bones by using lost create --behavior OR lost create -b

🎨 Creating 'theme' addon type

Create 'theme' addon bare-bones by using lost create --theme OR lost create -t

✨ Creating 'effect' addon type

Create 'effect' addon bare-bones by using lost create --effect OR lost create -e


01 Nov 04:32
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πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with building final .c3addon file, there was an error with missing en-US.json file after installing addon.

πŸ”§ Common Changes

  • Removed 'behavior' addon type (for developing)
  • Moved to full online addon build system

πŸ—‚οΈ New File System

πŸ“ Instance.ts

Now you don't need to import your Config const from ../lost.config.ts in your Instance.ts file. When you are creating new addon by using lost create -p OR lost create --plugin, there was added lost.d.ts file in path ./Addon/Types/ts-defs for supporting global 'Config' variable that allows to not do import.

If you have already developed the plugin before, you need to copy the lost.d.ts file from the bare-bones repository, or create it by yourself.


import type { LostConfig, AddonType } from "jsr:@lost-c3/[email protected]";

declare global {
    const Config: LostConfig<AddonType>;

export {}

πŸ“ Type.ts (NEW!)

There was added support for customization your type.js runtime script file. File includes in bare-bones repository so if you creating new one, you don't need to create it by yourself. If you have already developed the plugin before, you need to create new Type.ts file in main addon folder ./Addon.


import type { Instance } from "./Instance.ts";

const C3 = globalThis.C3;

C3.Plugins[Config.AddonId].Type = class LostType extends globalThis.ISDKObjectTypeBase<Instance> {
	constructor() {
	_onCreate() {}

πŸ“ Plugin.ts (NEW!)

There was added support for customization your plugin.js runtime script file. File includes in bare-bones repository so if you creating new one, you don't need to create it by yourself. If you have already developed the plugin before, you need to create new Plugin.ts file in main addon folder ./Addon.


const C3 = globalThis.C3;

C3.Plugins[Config.AddonId] = class LostPlugin extends globalThis.ISDKPluginBase {
	constructor() {

πŸ“¦ Support for SDK v2 modules

There was added support for importing your any module.

  • New folder Modules at main addon folder ./Addon.
    That folder uses your any mymodule.js files.

Example of using mymodule.js

import * as MyModule from './Modules/mymodule.js';

const C3 = globalThis.C3;

class LostInstance extends globalThis.ISDKInstanceBase {

	readonly PluginConditions = C3.Plugins[Config.AddonId].Cnds;
	constructor() {
		const properties = this._getInitProperties();


        if (properties) {



	_release() {


C3.Plugins[Config.AddonId].Instance = LostInstance;
export type { LostInstance as Instance };

[!WARNING] Note this is only supported from r401+.

[!INFO] πŸ“– For more info checkout official docs:


28 Oct 02:37
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Fixed issues with decorators.
Moved ./Addon/PluginProperties.ts --> ./PluginProperties.ts
Changed PluginProperties.ts file name --> properties.ts
Removed local based build for dev