Sepomex is a REST API build in elixir that maps all the data from the current zip codes in Mexico. You can get the CSV or Excel files from the official site
We build this API in order to provide a way to developers query the zip codes, states and municipalities across the country.
The base URI to start consuming the JSON response is under:
There are currently 146,934
records on the database which were extracted from the CSV file included in the project.
Records are paginated with 50 records per page.
mix deps.get
config :sepomex, Sepomex.Repo,
username: "USERNAME",
password: "PASSWORD",
database: "sepomex_dev",
hostname: "localhost",
mix ecto.setup
mix phx.server
We currently provide 1 kind of resources:
- Zip Codes: http://localhost:4000/zip_codes
In order to provide more flexibility to search a zip code, whether is by city, colony, state or zip code you can now send multiple parameters to make the appropiate search. You can fetch the:
curl -X GET http://localhost:4000/api/v1/zip_codes
"zip_codes": [
"id": 1,
"d_codigo": "01000",
"d_asenta": "San Ángel",
"d_tipo_asenta": "Colonia",
"d_mnpio": "Álvaro Obregón",
"d_estado": "Ciudad de México",
"d_ciudad": "Ciudad de México",
"d_cp": "01001",
"c_estado": "09",
"c_oficina": "01001",
"c_cp": null,
"c_tipo_asenta": "09",
"c_mnpio": "010",
"id_asenta_cpcons": "0001",
"d_zona": "Urbano",
"c_cve_ciudad": "01"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"per_page": 15,
"total_pages": 9728,
"total_objects": 145906,
"links": {
"first": "/zip_code?page=1",
"last": "/zip_code?page=9728",
"next": "/zip_code?page=2"
curl -X GET http://localhost:4000/api/v1/zip_codes?city=monterrey
curl -X GET http://localhost:4000/api/v1/zip_codes?state=nuevo%20leon
curl -X GET http://localhost:4000/api/v1/zip_codes?colony=punta%20contry
curl -X GET http://localhost:4000/api/v1/zip_codes?zip_code=67173
is the amount of elements per page.total_pages
is the total number of pages.total_objects
is the total objects of all pages.links
contains links for pages.first
is the url for the first page.last
is the url for the last page.prev
is the url for the previous
is the url for the next page.