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AppleScript script useful to easily upload files (one or more at the same time) to a remote server using Transmit.


The idea is based on this article.


Automated Transmit Uploader is divided into two scripts. One (One Click Transmit Uploader) to be used as a standalone application, the other (add - Transmit Uploader) as a folder action.


Both scripts must be configured. The variables to be configured are pretty self explanatory:

set pathRemote to "/var/www/vhosts/com.example/uploads/"
set urlBasePath to ""
set favoriteTransmitConnection to "My Favorite Upload Server"
set notificationEnabled to true
set logEnabled to true
set appName to "One Click Transmit Uploader"
  • pathRemote is the upload path on the remote server. Must end with a slash
  • urlBasePath is the first part of the url pointing to the location of the uploaded files. Must end with a slash
  • favoriteTransmitConnection is the name of the connection added to Transmit. It must be in the Favorites group!
  • notificationEnabled can be true or false. Set it true only if you have OS X 10.8 and terminal-notifier installed
  • logEnabled can be true or false. If set to true writes a log file in your Documents directory
  • appName is a string that identifies your upload connection. It will be used also to identify the log filename.


If you have OS X 10.8 I recommend to install terminal-notifier.

To install One Click Transmit Uploader open the script with AppleScript Editor and export it as an application using Export from the File menu (give the application a name recalling the server you are using). Once you have the application exported, move it to a place you prefer and drag it to the dock. At this point choose a file from the Finder and click on the application available in the dock. Once the upload is completed you will have the url pointing to the upload in the clipboard.

To install add - Transmit Uploader open the script with AppleScript Editor and export it as an Only Executable Script using Export from the File menu (give the script a name recalling the server you are using). Once you have the script exported, move it to the ~/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts/ directory. Choose the directory to be used as the "upload dropbox", Ctrl+click on it and choose Enable Folder Actions. You should be able to see your script. If you drag a file in the "upload dropbox" directory you should be able to find in the clipboard the url pointing to the uploaded file.


  • If you need to upload to more servers, you must configure end export both scripts for all the servers.
  • To open the ~/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts/ directory, open a Finder window, press Command+Shift+G (or Go to Folder from the Go menu) and open ~/Library/. The Scripts/Folder Action Scripts/ directories, if not available, should be created.
  • Sometimes an error is generated using One Click Transmit Uploader with files located on the desktop


Uploads files from Finder to remote server using Transmit






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