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Gary edited this page Mar 29, 2016 · 2 revisions


Spanish verbs come in three varieties:

  • -ar (e.g. hablar)
  • -er (e.g. tener)
  • -ir (e.g. subir)

There are two verbs for "to be":

  • ser (soy, eres, es, son, somos, etc.)
  • estar (estoy, estás, esta, están, estamos, etc.)

verb are marked to tense and aspect, and have have subject agreement for number and person.

The perfect aspect can be indicated with haber (to have)

  • (he, has, ha, han, hemos, etc.)


Nouns are marked for number and person and adjectives have agreement with nouns. The articles are

  • definite: el, la, los, las
  • indefinite: un, uno, una, unos, unas

Characters include vowels with an acute accent, and n with tilde. Double ""l" and double "r" are considered two characters.

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