A] Client (JS):
- React
- BootStrap 5
- leaflet
- plotly.js
- axios
B] Server (Java):
- Spring Boot
- Hibernate ORM
- Lombok
C] Database (MySQL)
D] Data processing (python):
- pandas
- matplotlib
- geopandas
- shapely
- gerrychain
Redistricting Analysis tool is a full stack web application that analyzes the gerrymandering of multiple district plans in 3 US states. We worked on Tennessee, Colorado, and South Carolina
In the start of the page, the user will be presnted a map of the United States. Three states - Tennessee, Colorado, and South Carolina - are highlighted so that user can click the state to learn about it. Once a state is chosen, the map zooms into the chosen state and a sidebar appears to present information.
On the top half of the sidebar, there is a carousel of clickable district plans along with information about them. Once a district plan is clicked, the map updates borer lines of congresional districts, counties, and precincts.
Shows summary about the state and district plan. This shows:
- population and demographic data based on Census 2020
- who proposed the plan, when was it proposed, and status
Shows summary of measures such as:
- seat-vote curve
- efficiency gap
- majority-minoriy districts
- compactness
- equal population
- split counties
- competitive district
- radar chart for comparing these measures above
Shows distribution of:
- number of majority-minority districts
- republican/democratic split
by extracting data from 10,000 simulated redistricting of a state
[y-axis: # of simulated district plans]
Shows box and whiskers plot of:
- distribution of percentage of chosen demographic in each district
by extracting data from 10,000 simulated redistricting of a state
[x-axis: district ordered by percentage of chosen demographic from least to greatest
y-axis: distribution of percentage of chosen demographic in district]