Python library for accessing the datomic DBMS via the REST API. Includes a reader for edn.
Connections are instances of datomic.Datomic:
>>> from datomic import Datomic
>>> conn = Datomic('http://localhost:3000/', 'tdb')
The method create_database(name) returns a database object which can be used for queries. It has the same methods as the Datomic connection instance, but you don't pass the database name as the first argument.
>>> db = conn.create_database('cms')
>>> db.transact(["""{
... :db/id #db/id[:db.part/db]
... :db/ident :person/name
... :db/valueType :db.type/string
... :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
... :db/doc "A person's name"
... :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}"""]) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> db.transact(['{:db/id #db/id[:db.part/user] :person/name "Peter"}']) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> r = db.query('[:find ?e ?n :where [?e :person/name ?n]]')
>>> print r #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
((... u'Peter'))
>>> eid = r[0][0]
The query function optionally takes arguments to apply to the query and has a keyword argument history for querying the history database:
>>> print db.query('[:find ?n :in $ ?e :where [?e :person/name ?n]]', [eid], history=True)
>>> print db.entity(eid) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
{':person/name': u'Peter', ':db/id': ...}
- Support for as-of and since
- Support for data-structure queries instead of just textual ones (need to implement an EDN encoder for that).
Includes a parser for most of EDN (, featuring:
- Coroutine-based interface for streaming data
- loads() interface for the rest of the time!
- Strings and characters are converted to unicode before passing to application
- Support for tags
- All structures are returned as immutable objects except dicts, as Python still lacks a frozendict type.
- Symbols and keywords are returned as strings (not unicode)
- Encoder!
- Handle invalid input gracefully
- Check validity of strings for keywords/symbols
- Include a frozendict implementation?
- Create a type for symbols and keywords?
- Better API for adding tag handlers (currently you need to modify the global dictionary!)
- Map exact floating point values to Decimal type?
- Don't call tag handlers whilst parsing the element after a discard
Distributed under the MIT license.