Rasa Chatbot Playground for Custom Action Development Environment for IXO Assistant to help developers who want to develop custom actions for the IXO assistant through an easy to use playground.
Here is a great tutorial on how to create and configure custom actions with a sample repo to illustrate all the required steps.
git clone repo_url
cd repo_folder_name
docker-compose up
The following docker containers will be started:
- rasa open source server - Rasa open source server running on
- rasa action server - Rasa action server running on
- custom chat bot web interface - Access the web chat bot by going to
- jupyter notebook server - Access the Jupyter Notebook by going to
Once the docker images are running, run the following commands.
Log into Rasa Open Source server docker images shell
docker ps - Fetch containerid for the rasa server docker exec -ti <containerid> /bin/bash
To train:
rasa train
Restart docker images:
docker-compose build;docker-compose up
Now your bot is running and you can give input messages.