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Library to generate and validate STs and TGTs


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cassette'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Require this library and create an intializer to set its configuration:

Cassete.config =
  username: 'user',
  password: 'secret',
  service: '',
  base: '',
  base_authority: 'CASTEST',
  verify_ssl: true,       # If not defined, the default value will be: false.
  tls_version: 'TLSv1_2'  # if not defined, the default value will be: 'TLSv1'.

where config is an OpenStruct that responds to the methods base for the base CAS uri, username and password if you are authenticating on other systems and service and base_authority if you are using the authentication filter to authenticate your app.

You may also set the caching backend using the .backend= module method:

Cassette::Cache.backend =

By default, Cassette::Cache will check if you have Rails.cache defined or instantiate a new ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore

To authenticate your Rails app, add to your ApplicationController (or any authenticated controller):

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include Cassette::Authentication::Filter

  # ...

You should also rescue from Cassette::Errors::Forbidden with more friendly errors

If you wish to have actions that skip the authentication filter, add to your controller:

class SomeController < ApplicationController
    skip_authentication # [*options]

    # skip_authentication only: "index"

Where options are the same options you can pass to Rails' skip_before_action method.

You also can skip the whole CAS authentication using an environment variable NOAUTH=true. The method current_user will keep available. This is useful for development environments. Be careful not to set and/or forget this variable in production environment.

Overriding the authenticated service

You can the service being authenticated in a controller (or group of controllers). To do this, override the instance method authentication_service:

class ApiController < ApplicationController
  def authentication_service

    # or maybe a hardcoded:
    # ""

    # looking like regular RubyCAS, using the url
    # request.url

Accepting multiple services (restricting from a list)

Your config object must respond to services and the filter will check your controller authentication_service against the list or the configured service.

In your initializer:

Cassete.config =
  # omitted
  service: "",
  services: ["", "", ""]

And in your controller:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  def authentication_service

In this example, only tickets generated for,, or will be accepted others will raise a Cassette::Errors::Forbidden.

Accepting multiple services (customized)

If whitelisting services is not enough for your application, you can override the accepts_authentication_service? in your controller. This method receives the service and returns a boolean if the service is ok or not.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  def accepts_authentication_service?(service)

  def authentication_service

RubyCAS client helpers

If you are authenticating users with RubyCAS and want role checking, in your rubycas initializer:

require "cassette/rubycas"

And in your ApplicationController (or any authenticated controller):

class SomeController < ApplicationController
    include Cassette::Rubycas::Helper

    # - Allow only employees:
    # before_action :employee_only_filter
    # rescue_from Cassette::Errors::NotAnEmployee do
    #   redirect_to '/403.html'
    # end

    # - Allow only customers:
    # before_action :customer_only_filter
    # rescue_from Cassette::Errors::NotACustomer do
    #   redirect_to '/403.html'
    # end

Constraining routes for roles

This is useful if you want to mount an unauthenticated Rack app (like Resque)

Add to your config/routes.rb:

  mount, at: '/resque', constraints:

This will make your /resque route require your BASEAUTHORITY_ADMIN role.

You can also use raw roles:

  mount, at: '/resque', constraints:'OTHERAPP_ROLE', raw: true)

And your /resque route will require the OTHERAPP_ROLE role.

Instantiating Cassette::Client and Cassette::Authentication

You can create your own instances of Cassette::Client (st/tgt generator) and Cassette::Authentication (st validator).

The constructor accepts a hash with keys (as symbols) for the values of cache, logger, http_client and configuration.

All values default to the same values used when accessing the class methods directly.

Please check the constructors or integration specs for details.

About caching and tests

It is a good idea to always clear the cache between tests, specially if you're using VCR. You can do it by using the invoking the #clear method of the cache backend in use. The following excerpt will clear the cache of the default client Cassette::Client instance:



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