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DevContainer Templates

A collection of LocalStack related and managed DevContainer Templates.

Development Container Templates are source files packaged together that encode configuration for a complete development environment. A Template can be used in a new or existing project, and a supporting tool will use the configuration from the Template to build a development container.


This repo currently a work in progress which might introduce breaking changes without notification.

List of Templates

  • LocalStack Docker-in-Docker: setup a devcontainer with LocalStack running in an internal Docker service
  • LocalStack Docker-outside-of-Docker: setup a devcontainer communicating with a separate LocalStack instance running on the same Docker network


To use either of the Templates use a supported tool and choose one of them, then either add custom values to the options or keep the defaults. Alternatively, copy the contents of the desired Template's .devcontainer folder and customize it as necessary.

Both variation of the Templates adds automatically the official LocalStack DevContainer Feature, which installs the CLI and by demand the most popular Local Tools™. Currently this calls for a Debian-based DevContainer image.

LocalStack - Docker-in-Docker

This version of the Template starts up LocalStack in an internal Docker service in the DevContainer, hence we set a volume by default for data persistence. As a result the newly built DevContainers do not necessarily need to re-download images as long this volume exists on the system.
Additionally the DevContainer bind mounts a folder from the host system as /data, which will be used to store LocalStack data (LOCALSTACK_VOLUME_DIR).

LocalStack in this variation is controlled via the LocalStack CLI and some env variables that you can adjust or expand in the devcontainer.json file's remoteEnv block. For further LocalStack configuration options please consult our official documentation.

Use LocalStack Pro

Set usePro: true and set on your host system the LOCALSTACK_AUTH_TOKEN or the LOCALSTACK_API_KEY environment variable, this will be automatically picked up by the Template.

LocalStack - Docker-outside-of-Docker

This version of the Template starts up LocalStack as a separate container in the same Docker network using the host system's Docker socket.

To control LocalStack's behaviour adjust the provided .env file which will be loaded both into LocalStack and the created DevContainer after rebuild. For further customisation you can edit the provided Dockerfile and/or the devcontainer.json file. Or add additional services by modifying the provided docker-compose.yml file. For further LocalStack configuration options please consult our official documentation.


In this Template version however the LocalStack CLI provides the start and stop options do NOT control the LocalStack container with them as that would result in name resolution issues in the container.

In case you've made this mistake by accident, try running docker compose -f <DEV_CONTAINER_CONFIG_LOCATION>/docker-compose.yml up -d localstack or rebuild the container.

Use LocalStack Pro

Set usePro: true and set on your host system the LOCALSTACK_AUTH_TOKEN or the LOCALSTACK_API_KEY environment variable, this will be automatically picked up by the .env file.

Repo and Template Structure

This repository contains a collection of two Templates - localstack-dind and localstack-dood. Similar to the devcontainers/templates repo, this repository has a src folder. Each Template has its own sub-folder, containing at least a devcontainer-template.json and .devcontainer/devcontainer.json.

├── src
│   ├── localstack-dind
│   │   ├── devcontainer-template.json
│   │   ├── inputs.json
│   │   └──| .devcontainer
│   │      └── devcontainer.json
│   ├── localstack-dood
│   │   ├── devcontainer-template.json
│   │   └──| .devcontainer
│   │      ├── .env
│   │      ├── devcontainer.json
│   │      ├── docker-compose.yaml
│   │      └── Dockerfile
|   ├── ...
│   │   ├── devcontainer-template.json
│   │   └──| .devcontainer
│   │      └── devcontainer.json
├── test
│   ├── localstack-dind
|   |   ├── scenarios.json
|   |   ├── ...
│   │   └──
│   ├── localstack-dood
|   |   ├── scenarios.json
|   |   ├── ...
│   │   └──
│   └──test-utils
│      └──


All available options for a Template should be declared in the devcontainer-template.json. The syntax for the options property can be found in the devcontainer Template json properties reference.

For example, the localstack-dind Template provides four possible options (jammy, focal, bookworm, bullseye), where the default value is set to jammy.

    // ...
    "options": {
        "imageVariant": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Debian version (use bullseye or jammy on local arm64/Apple Silicon):",
            "proposals": [
            "default": "jammy"

An implementing tool will use the options property from the documented Dev Container Template properties for customizing the Template. See option resolution example for details.

Distributing Templates

Note: Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests should be enabled in the repository's Settings > Actions > General > Workflow permissions for auto generation of src/<template>/ per Template (which merges any existing src/<template>/


Templates are individually versioned by the version attribute in a Template's devcontainer-template.json. Templates are versioned according to the semver specification. More details can be found in the Dev Container Template specification.



NOTE: The Distribution spec can be found here.

While any registry implementing the OCI Distribution spec can be used, this template will leverage GHCR (GitHub Container Registry) as the backing registry.

Templates are source files packaged together that encode configuration for a complete development environment.

This repo contains a GitHub Action workflow that will publish each template to GHCR. By default, each Template will be prefixed with the <owner>/<repo> namespace. For example, the two Templates in this repository can be referenced by an implementing tool with:

The provided GitHub Action will also publish a third "metadata" package with just the namespace, eg: This contains information useful for tools aiding in Template discovery.

'devcontainers/template-starter' is known as the template collection namespace.

Marking Template Public

For your Template to be used, it currently needs to be available publicly. By default, OCI Artifacts in GHCR are marked as private.

To make them public, navigate to the Template's "package settings" page in GHCR, and set the visibility to 'public`.<owner>/packages/container/<repo>%2F<templateName>/settings

Adding Templates to the Index

Next you will need to add your Templates collection to our public index so that other community members can find them. Just follow these steps once per collection you create:

This index is from where supporting tools like VS Code Dev Containers and GitHub Codespaces surface Templates for their Dev Container Creation Configuration UI.

Testing Templates

This repo contains a GitHub Action workflow for testing the Templates. Similar to the devcontainers/templates repo, this repository has a test folder. Each Template has its own sub-folder, containing at least a

For running the tests locally, you would need to execute the following commands -

    ./.github/actions/smoke-test/ ${TEMPLATE-ID} 
    ./.github/actions/smoke-test/ ${TEMPLATE-ID} 

To override the default values for example for manual testing an inputs.json file can be defined in the Template's folder. The file's structure is the following:

    "input1": "value1",
    "input2": "value2"

Scenario Tests

Additionally the repo had been extended for scenario testing. To define scenario tests, you would need to define a scenarios.json file in the respective Template's test folder. The file's structure is the following:

	"<scenario_name>": {
        "<option_name>": "<option_value>",
        "input": "value"
	"my_scenario1": {
		"input1": "value1",
		"input2": "value2"
	"my_scenario2": {
		"input1": "value2"

By defining a scenario, you additionally need to define a similarly named shell script in the folder, ie. if the scenario key was test_with_my_input needs a file.

In case of scenarios you can add any other valid DevContainer config options like features or customizations, that you'd use normally, these options will be merged into the resulting devcontainers.json file.

For running the tests locally, you would need to execute the following commands -

    ./.github/actions/scenario-test/ ${TEMPLATE-ID}

Input precedence

To test with different inputs custom values can be provided with the following precedence in a top to bottom approach (top=highest, bottom=lowest):

  1. scenario.json (only with scenario tests)
  2. inputs.json
  3. devcontainer-template.json

Updating Documentation

This repo contains a GitHub Action workflow that will automatically generate documentation (ie. for each Template. This file will be auto-generated from the devcontainer-template.json and