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zzolo edited this page Jul 27, 2011 · 5 revisions

Documentation Standards

All modules, classes, methods, properties should have DocStrings. This should be in the following format: ??

Python Application Documentation

Documentation is created with Sphinx. You can access as the following address: ./docs/_build/index.html

Generating Documentation

The following commands can be used to fully generate a newer version of the documentation. (Borrowed the auto-generate script).

  1. mkdir modules
  2. ./scripts/sphinx-autopackage-script/ --dest-dir=modules -f -s rst ./
  3. sphinx-build -b html ./ ./docs/_build/
  4. rm -r modules

Javascript Documentation

Inline documentation should be written in and created with Natural Docs. For basics in Natural Docs, see this page. For specifics, follow the OpenLayers documentation standards.

Generating Documentation

The following commands will generate new documentation for Javascript.

  1. svn co naturaldocs (Get NaturalDocs executable)
  2. chmod +x naturaldocs/NaturalDocs/NaturalDocs (Make executable)
  3. naturaldocs/NaturalDocs/NaturalDocs -i static/js -xi static/js/libs -o HTML docs/js -p docs/js_config (Create documentation)
  4. Documentation can now be seen in a browser at docs/js/index.html