wrapencfs wraps arbitary commands into a encfs call to provide an encyrpted view onto a local directory using encfs --reverse.
The intended use are backups with rsync to remote destionations that you don't trust.
It is based on the hoxu/encrb tool, but differs from encrb in that it does not hardcode the actual rsync command but rather provides a wrapper around the command one wants to call, which gives the user full flexibility over the options to rsync, for instance.
$ ./wrapencfs $HOME/documents rsync -Pav {}/ some.server.eu:/home/user/backups/documents
First run will generate a random password, save it to KEYFILE and prompt for encfs settings (pressing enter picks the defaults). Further runs will not require any user input.
Usage: wrapencfs [options] /path/to/encrypt <command>
Any occurence of the string "{}" in the command will be replaced by the encrypted path.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-k KEYFILE, --keyfile=KEYFILE
encfs keyfile to use [~/.wrapencfs/encfs.xml]
-p PASSFILE, --passfile=PASSFILE
file containing encfs keyfile password
--no-env-check Disable environment tool version checking
Define a custom tmp dir, otherwise the system default
will be used
-v, --verbose Verbose output
Remember to back up the keyfile and the password! If you lose them, you will lose access to the encrypted data. Naturally you should not back up the keyfile to the same place where you put the actual backups. And it is a very good idea to have multiple backups of the keyfile (and password). For maximum security, keep the data, the keyfile and the password at different locations.
To recover files from encrypted backup use:
# ENCFS6_CONFIG=/path/to/encfs.xml encfs /path/to/ecrypted/backup /path/to/mountpoint
- encfs 1.7.3 or later
- python2
wrapencfs is licensed under GPLv3, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html