- Users can register make their account.
- Users Can manage their todo lists.
- Users will be notified 24 hours in advance with email with their todo.
- clone project
- configure database and mailer in app/config/parameters.yml
- run command ´´´php app/console doctrine:database:create´´´
- run command ´´´php app/console doctrine:schema:create´´´
- create categoryes directly in database or run command ´´´php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load´´´
- run command ´´´php app/console doctrine:database:create --env=test´´´
- run command ´´´php app/console doctrine:schema:create --env=test´´´
- run command ´´´phpunit´´´
optimize tests
optimize sending email notifications ( if there are more than 1 todo in next 24h bundle them in single email)
Add CRUD for categories;
Add profile page;
Add ability for users to schedule email notifications;