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Alogrithmic Problem Solveing Strategies

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APSS (Alogrithmic Problem Solveing Strategies)

알고리즘 문제 해결기법 학습을 하기 위한 목적으로 생성된 저장소

github 저장소 관리 로그

2018.10.20 APSS 저장소 생성
2019.01.01 APSS 학습내용 정리 시작
2019.02 1차 정리 완료
2019.04 2차 정리 시작
2019.06 2차 정리 중단
2019.09 라이브러리 생성 시작
2019.10 관리 일시중단

Judge 계정

학습한 챕터

  • 입출력

    • C / C++ 문법
    • JAVA 문법
  • 자료구조

    • string
    • linked list
    • stack
    • queue
    • deque
    • disjoint Set (Union-Find)
    • 트리 #1
      • Heap (Min Heap, Max Heap)
      • Segment Tree
      • Fenwick Tree (aka BIT = Binary Indexed Tree)
      • Binary Search Tree
    • 그래프
  • 수학 #1

    • Permutation
    • Combination
    • Prime Number
      • Eratosthenees seula
    • GCD, LCM
      • Eucliedean algorithm
    • Matrix
  • 그리디 알고리즘

  • 비트마스크

  • Exhaustive Search

    • Brute-Force
    • Backtracking
      • N Queens
    • Optimization Proglems
      • TSP
    • Divide & Conquer
      • Binary Search
  • Dynamic Programming (DP)

    • 0-1 knapsack Proglem
    • LCS,LIS,...
    • Subset
  • 문자열

    • Palindrome
  • Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)

    • Kruskal's Algorithm
    • Prims's Algorithm
  • 정렬

    • Bubble sort
    • Insertion Sort
    • Selection Sort
    • Quick Sort
    • Merge Sort
    • Heap Sort
  • 그래프 #1

    • Graph Modeling
    • Search
      • Breadth-First Search (BFS)
      • Depth-First Search (DFS)
    • Shortest Path
      • Single Source Shortest Path
        • Dijkstra's Algorithm
        • Bellman-Ford Algorithm
        • Shortest Path Faster Algorithm (SPFA)
      • Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
    • 위상정렬(Topological Sort)
  • 수학 #2

    • 이항계수 (Binomial coefficient)
      • 파스칼의 삼각형 (Pascal's triangle)
  • 트리 #2

    • Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA)
  • Range Query

    • Segment Tree
      • Lazy Propagation
    • Two Pointers Algorithm
    • Sliding Window Algorithm
  • 그래프 #2

    • Network Flow
      • Maximum Flow
        • Ford- Fulkerson
        • Edmond-Karp
      • Minimum Cut Maximum Flow
      • 최소 버텍스 커버(Minimum Vertex Cover)
        • Konigs theorem
      • 최대 독립 집합 (Maximum Independent Set)
      • Minimun Cost Maximum Flow (MCMF)
        • Using Bellman-Ford Algorithm of SPFA
        • Using Dijkstra Algorithm with potential
      • Bipartite Matching

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Alogrithmic Problem Solveing Strategies






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