Demo code for "Level-Up Your CI/CD Game With k8s and GitHub to Avoid Database Disasters" session With gratitude this session heavily borrows from prior art created with Sreeja Pullagura (@sreejaptfa) and Andy Leonard (@aleonard763), found on the the Teach For America github repository here:
- Create a database from a script or dacpac
- Create isolated SQL Server instances on containers
- Run tests for isolated environments in parallel
- multi-cloud - Azure, AWS, GCP
- dacpac deployment
- AKS v. ACI for Windows containers
- Namespaces on k8s
- Where are container images built?
- login to Azure
- confirm which subscription you would like to use and that it is both "State"="Enabled" and "IsDefault"="True"
az account list -o table
- switch to your desired subscription if not "IsDefault"="True"
az account set --subscription <YOURSUBSCRIPTIONID>
- confirm ^^^
az account list -o table
- in Azure Cloud Shell
- make a "repos" directory and in that directory, clone this repository
git clone <THISREPO>
(TODO: figure out if markdown will allow self-reference to current repo) - run
envSetup/manualPrep.ps1 -projectName <YOURPROJECTNAME>
- follow the instructions to save the json snippet to your GitHub Secrets with the correct name
- in the GitHub repo, run the "CI/CD Environment Setup" workflow with as the Project Name parameter
- GitHub action to build sql server images
- Automate adding images to the new ACR
- Automate attaching ACR to AKS
- Automate updating deployment to refer to the correct ACR
- name: mssql2017-db
image: <REPLACEME>
- Key Management: Azure Key Vault, GCP Key Management Services, AWS Key Management Services
- Container Registry: Azure Container Registry, GCP Container Registry, AWS Elastic Container Registry
- Artifact Repository:
- Pipeline orchestration: Jenkins, GCP CloudBuild, CircleCI, GitHub Actions
When working in Azure, remember to register all service providers in your subscription before automating.
az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.KeyVault'
az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry'
az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.Kubernetes'
This is two separate pipelines: one to set up the environment, and one to run the CI/CD pipelines.
Create a Resource Group (
New-AzResourceGroup -Name "$resourceGroupName" -Location "$region" -Tag @{Department="tSQLtCI"; Ephemeral="True"} -Force|Out-String|Log-Output;
Create AKV -- (
New-AzKeyVault -VaultName "$vaultName" -ResourceGroupName "$resourceGroupName" -Location "$region"
Add secrets to AKV (
You will need to ensure that the service principal you use to do this work has the correct permissions assigned to update the Key Vault data (not just the AKV resource itself).
$Secret = ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'Password' -AsPlainText -Force
Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName 'Contoso' -Name 'ITSecret' -SecretValue $Secret
k8s pod$serviceName
mssql external$targetPort
mmsql internal$podName
New-AzContainerRegistry -ResourceGroupName "$resourceGroupName" -Name "$containerRegistryName" -Sku "Basic"
To make this less cost prohibitive, turn on the startstoppreview feature. (
az aks show --name $aksClusterName --resource-group $resourceGroupName --query 'agentPoolProfiles[].{Name:name, PowerState:powerState.code}'
New-AzAKS -ResourceGroupName "$resourceGroupName" -Name "$aksClusterName" -NodeCount 1 -KubernetesVersion 1.16.7 -NetworkPlugin azure -NodeVmSetType VirtualMachineScaleSets -WindowsProfileAdminUserName "$aksWinUser" -WindowsProfileAdminUserPassword "$aksPassword"
Add a Windows Server node pool
New-AzAksNodePool -ResourceGroupName "$resourceGroupName" -ClusterName "$aksClusterName" -OsType Windows -Name "$aksWinNodePoolName" -KubernetesVersion 1.16.7
Connect kubectl to the cluster
Import-AzAksCredential -ResourceGroupName "$resourceGroupName" -Name "$aksClusterName"
Try out kubectl
kubectl get nodes