The FormatScript example is an example which shows how to enforce a specific format when storing data into LiveOak Storage. This allows you to make sure that a specific collection always contains properly formatted data.
How to check the properties of an incoming create or update operation
How to throw an error to deny updating the storage with invalid data
The target specified in the metadata.json file is set for every access under the /formatscript/storage/products which corresponds to all entries in the product collection stored in the LiveOak Storage.
"target-path" : "/formatscript/storage/products/*"
The target for this example is setup to be applied to a storage collection named 'products'. This collection will only accept entries where the has the id, name, description and price specified. A custom ID has to be specified on create, the script has been configured to not allow the id to be created by the system. The price must be a valid positive number in a dollar amount (eg 10.90 is valid, but -10.90 or "10.90" or 10.9 is not).
For this example you will need to create the collection and add an entry which conforms to the proper format the script expects.
Goto http://localhost:8080/admin#/applications/formatscript/storage/storage/browse and click on 'New Collection'. Name your new collection 'products'
Once your collection is created. Click on 'Add column' and add 3 columns named: 'name, 'description', 'price'
Click on 'Add Row' to create a new entry. Note that for your entry to be valid you must specify the 'id', 'name', 'description' and 'price' (where price is a valid positive dollar amount). An example valid product would be something like as follows:
id: "product123"
name: "Large Mug"
description: "A large mug, perfect for coffee"
price: 8.95
Try and create a new entry, but this time by leaving out a one of the fields or using an invalid price value (eg -0.99, 0.9, "8.95", "$8.95", "5 dollars", ...). You should receive an error and your new entry will not be added to the storage.
Or try and update an already existing entry but removing one of the required fields. The updated value should not be saved to storage.
function preCreate(request, libraries) {
// get the resource object
var resource = request.resource;
// get its properties
var properties =;
// check that we have the right amount of properties
// Here we are enforcing that IDs have to be specified and not created by the system.
if ( == null || properties.size() != 4) {
return new liveoak.NotAcceptableError("A product must have and only have an ID, name, description and price when creating");
} else {
// check if the properties are valid
return checkProduct(properties);
function preUpdate(request, libraries) {
// get the resoure's properties
var properties =;
// check if we have the right amount of properties.
// Note that on an update, the ID is no longer a property but a parameter of the resource object
if (properties.size() != 3) {
return new liveoak.NotAcceptableError("A product must have and only have a name, description and price when creating");
} else {
//check if the properties are valid
return checkProduct(properties);
function checkProduct(properties) {
// check that all required properties exists
if ( == null || properties.description == null || properties.price == null) {
return new liveoak.NotAcceptableError("A product must have a non-null name, description and price.");
// check that price is a proper monentary amount
var price = properties.price;
var dollarRegExp = /^[0-9]\d*\.\d{2}?/
if (!(typeof price == "number") || !(dollarRegExp.test(price))) {
return new liveoak.NotAcceptableError("A product's price must be a positive dollar amount (x.xx)");