A 6D-pose estimation method based on fast-rcnn.
youtube:https://youtu.be/AyveVaFebcs youku:https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDcyODkzMzk4NA==.html
pip install -r requirements.txt
GOOGLE DRIVE put them in: 6dposeDetect/output/res101/voc_2007_trainval/default
GOOGLE DRIVE put them in: 6dposeDetect/data/
cd tools
python linemodocclusion9.py
You can see the visual results in the folder ./tools/show
Since there are only 1214 images in line-occulution, we need to use data enhancement to increase the training map. I have one that has been processed. You can also try it yourself according to the project.
put them in: BAIDU DRIVE,key:l8j3 6dposeDetect/data/VOCdevkit2007/VOC2007 ** The data package is very large. You can decompress it like this:
cat test.tar.gz* | tar -xzv
./experiments/scripts/train_faster_rcnn.sh 0 pascal_voc res101