Tiny database library
npm i littletsu/maho
import { Database, Schema } from "maho";
const userSchema: Schema = {
// 16 byte string
username: {
type: String,
size: 16
// 32 bit signed integer
balance: {
type: Number,
size: 32
// 8 bit unsigned integer
id: {
type: Number,
size: -8
const db = new Database();
// Initializing database path and schema
await db.init("./database.maho", userSchema);
// Push data to it
await db.push({
username: "user1",
balance: 150,
id: 24
// This will not write to the database file, but it will be pushed to the objects in the database
// And it will be written to the file in the next database write
await db.push({
username: "user2",
balance: 92,
id: 54
}, false)
await db.push({
username: "user3",
balance: 17,
id: 64
// Getting data from the database
// Objects can only be retrieved by the index they were pushed by
db.get(0); /*
username: "user1",
balance: 150,
id: 24
// Iterating through all objects in the database
for(let object of db.objects) {
console.log(`${object.username} - ${object.balance}`);
} /*
user1 - 150
user2 - 92
user3 - 17
// Updating objects in the database
await db.set(1, {
balance: 21
console.log(db.get(1).balance) // 21
// Deleting objects from the database
// Only deleting the last element added is possible
await db.pop()
console.log(db.objects.length) // 2