"Thanks to" the WeChat Small Game runtime environment, directly importing 'phaser' will get lots of errors.
Stub some global variables which Phaser required, that's what 'js/libs/stub.js' does.
import './js/libs/stub';
Use Phaser's split custom build instead of the standard version, which can expose PIXI, p2 and Phaser to global.
window.PIXI = require('./js/libs/pixi');
window.p2 = require('./js/libs/p2');
window.Phaser = require('./js/libs/phaser-split');
Create the game instance with an object instead of multiple parameters, specify the canvas
var game = new Phaser.Game({
width: gameWidth,
height: gameHeight,
renderer: Phaser.CANVAS,
canvas: canvas,
state: {}
If the game size is not the same as the canvas', you should set scale mode to make Phaser calculate input pointer correctly.
this.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
this.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true; // optional
this.scale.pageAlignVertically = true; // optional
The Phaser built-in audio API won't work, however, we can use the Audio API from the adapter.
let au = new Audio('path/to/audio.mp3');
Loading JSON file with a relative path won't work, you have to put the JSON file on the server and load it with a URL.
this.load.json('version', './a.json'); // ERROR T_T
this.load.json('version', 'http://phaser.io/version.json'); // WORKS YoY